Outfitter herding Elk?

wouldn't be surprised

but the hate and blame always goes both ways, with a bit of truth

public land hunters who can't close the deal like to kick and scream about landowners ruining their hunt

landowners and outfitters who can't close the deal and also guide public land like to kick and scream about public land hunters ruining their hunt

but again, i wouldn't be surprised if an outfitter was trying to push elk in order to keep them on the property
wouldn't be surprised

but the hate and blame always goes both ways, with a bit of truth

public land hunters who can't close the deal like to kick and scream about landowners ruining their hunt

landowners and outfitters who can't close the deal and also guide public land like to kick and scream about public land hunters ruining their hunt

but again, i wouldn't be surprised if an outfitter was trying to push elk in order to keep them on the property
This was a first ever elk hunt for me. It was more rewarding than deer hunting. Even tho i didn’t get one I had a great time. Just herd that it was going on from several ppl.
It's certainly a story that comes from more places that just Colorado. I wouldn't paint all landowners with a broad brush, but I don't doubt that it happens.

I remember when I used to hunt Colorado n got drawn on Lone Mesa, the rangers used to warn us that the land owners on the NE border would drive the fence lines before daylight n 30 min before last light
So it does happen, rt or wrong depending on how u looks at it.
I hunted unit 40 in Colorado years ago. I watched a group of about 15 guys on horses ride through the FS section on top. They were spread out about 50-100 yards apart and ridding from the north west to the south east towards Gabbo (sp) Cattle Co. they were shooting hand guns from the horses with one shot between them about every minute. We confronted them and they said they worked for Gabo and they were trying to make sure no cattle had wondered onto the FS. I asked if they were actually missing any cows and they said not that they knew of. I told them them were ruining our archery elk hunt. Their response was that there were several private property areas that would allow us to hunt for a few. They even suggested we contact the Gabbo (so) Cattle Company. They said they had quite a few elk on their property.

We had a significant snow storm that night. It was a terrible early sept storm and we got 12-14 inches of snow (I think it was 2003). The next day my buddy and I hiked a huge portion of the FS. There were absolutely no elk tracks anywhere.

We had been in elk every day before the fake cattle drive and no elk after. We ended up hunting another area and found elk again.

I believe this was a private land owner/company/outfitter trying to drive elk off FS. It really believe this does happen.
I hunted unit 40 in Colorado years ago. I watched a group of about 15 guys on horses ride through the FS section on top. They were spread out about 50-100 yards apart and ridding from the north west to the south east towards Gabbo (sp) Cattle Co. they were shooting hand guns from the horses with one shot between them about every minute. We confronted them and they said they worked for Gabo and they were trying to make sure no cattle had wondered onto the FS. I asked if they were actually missing any cows and they said not that they knew of. I told them them were ruining our archery elk hunt. Their response was that there were several private property areas that would allow us to hunt for a few. They even suggested we contact the Gabbo (so) Cattle Company. They said they had quite a few elk on their property.

We had a significant snow storm that night. It was a terrible early sept storm and we got 12-14 inches of snow (I think it was 2003). The next day my buddy and I hiked a huge portion of the FS. There were absolutely no elk tracks anywhere.

We had been in elk every day before the fake cattle drive and no elk after. We ended up hunting another area and found elk again.

I believe this was a private land owner/company/outfitter trying to drive elk off FS. It really believe this does happen.
i know it happens, I've seen it more than once here in Wyoming.
Never personally witnessed it, but researching elk units, you come across a lot of these stories. It’s hard to prove game harassment and seems as though these outfitters mostly get left alone by game agencies, there aren’t really much repercussions for doing it sadly.
Never personally witnessed it, but researching elk units, you come across a lot of these stories. It’s hard to prove game harassment and seems as though these outfitters mostly get left alone by game agencies, there aren’t really much repercussions for doing it sadly.
I am surprised more of these arsehole's cattle aren't "accidentally" getting shot. A "repercussion" they deserve.
Your comment about shooting the vehicle was one of the top ten dumbest comments I’ve read today. So is this one.
Not saying I would do it (I definitely wouldn't) but I am surprised it's not happening more frequently. Any landowner who herds public game off public land for his own use is asking for trouble. As to the pickup comment, that was obviously tongue in cheek. Didn't think it was necessary to insert a smiley because I didn't figure anyone would be so dumb to take it seriously. Guess I underestimated you.
Hear about it plenty here in MT and personally witnessed it twice. Guys on ATVs running up and down the section fence repeatedly hazing elk back from it to prevent them from crossing onto public hunting. Every time they would drive the elk back up into the timber you'd hear a fusillade of shooting. About three years ago I spoke to a game warden who spent considerable time gathering witness statements, pictures and videos to build a case against another outfitter doing this. I won't say what county this was in but when the case went to court the judge asked the defendant...by pure coincidence also his brother-in-law...what he had to say. "Just checkin' fence, your Honor." "Not guilty. Case dismissed. Mr. Game Warden, stop wasting the court's time with such things."
I watched a landowner in Idaho chase 40-60 head of rutting elk onto his property with his pickup. I happen to see a warden a few miles down the road so I stop him to tell him. His response was "if you want to have a good hunt avoid that area".
No skin off my back I was deer hunting but it frustrated me because I could see guys were trying to hunt those elk before the landowner showed up.
I was in the area 3rd season. I had already killed a nice 5 x 5 on the 3rd day when the snow storm came. We went north of Craig in unit 4 since we had another tag to fill. I've never seen so many camps on top of each other. All trying to hunt the same piece of Public land. We stopped to talk to some guys who had came off the mountain after their day of hunting. They told us about the Rumor about the Landowner using his guys on horse back to scare the Elk back onto his land. Maybe I'll have my Military Friends do some High Altitude Flight Training next year in the area. Fight Fire with Fire Right? Distribute the animals evenly within the area.
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