PEAX Equipment

Outfitter harassment


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2020
Last year me and a friend hunted an area in western Colorado that is really close to a private ranch that sells outfitted hunts on private and blm land. One evening we parked our truck at the parking area (which is close to the property line) and started our trek up the mountain. We weren’t far from the truck and we hear a truck coming down the hwy, they stop, shoot, and yell at the top of their lungs like they just bagged Bigfoot. Riding by the outfitters lodge we were almost certain we saw the same truck and we think it was probably some of their guides trying to scare us off. I’m really hoping to return to the same spot this year, walking in and camping out but I’m nervous about leaving my truck there.
What would y’all do?
I really don’t want to travel across the country and have any confrontation or have my vehicle tampered with. I know these guys are trying to make money off of the outfitting and I understand them not wanting to see anybody hunting that area but it’s not theirs to dictate.
Last year me and a friend hunted an area in western Colorado that is really close to a private ranch that sells outfitted hunts on private and blm land. One evening we parked our truck at the parking area (which is close to the property line) and started our trek up the mountain. We weren’t far from the truck and we hear a truck coming down the hwy, they stop, shoot, and yell at the top of their lungs like they just bagged Bigfoot. Riding by the outfitters lodge we were almost certain we saw the same truck and we think it was probably some of their guides trying to scare us off. I’m really hoping to return to the same spot this year, walking in and camping out but I’m nervous about leaving my truck there.
What would y’all do?
I really don’t want to travel across the country and have any confrontation or have my vehicle tampered with. I know these guys are trying to make money off of the outfitting and I understand them not wanting to see anybody hunting that area but it’s not theirs to dictate.

I've asked similar questions before. The whole outfitting thing makes me uneasy, partly because we dont really have them in my home state. Basically they pay to compete with the general public for hunting spots. So, of course, they feel they have some ownership over it.

Would be interested to hear how folks more experienced deal with outfitter encounters.
Have a chat with them. Ask what the problem is. If they give you any lip or get threatening find a nice way to tell them what goes around comes around. They also can't watch their vehicles and gear all the time. Most old time outfitters in Montana were very good to me, even asking me to stay in their camps when not in use to keep an eye on things (and keep the bears away). And they kept an eye on me too ... I always hunted alone. Sadly, a very different kind of people are now buying up the outfits. Eastern rich slobs or worse, their kids who have no sense. A way for mom and dad to get them out of their hair ... and into ours.
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Everybody has a phone now, just record the interaction. It’s a lot easier with evidence. It can always be used to build a criminal or civil case with it.
Most people can be reasoned with if you talk with them face to face. If not, bid them adieu and enjoy all that public land.
If you talk to them and it doesn't go well, take a picture of them and the truck. They will ask why, simply say "just in case"
If you're worried about your truck being messed with while it's parked, I'd consider discretely hanging a trail cam that could capture footage of it. That being said, you may lose the trail cam too.
I always put a trail cam on my truck. I try and park in a place that will allow that, ie not a wide open plain. It's cheap insurance.
I put my trail camera at the pickup so you can see what happened when I wasn't there. Then you will have picture to take to the game warden if anything
This year I am using one of th small motion activated cameras. Hard to detect. seems to work ok at home.
battery life is the problem. But on day hunts it will give me piece of mind.
Last year me and a friend hunted an area in western Colorado that is really close to a private ranch that sells outfitted hunts on private and blm land. One evening we parked our truck at the parking area (which is close to the property line) and started our trek up the mountain. We weren’t far from the truck and we hear a truck coming down the hwy, they stop, shoot, and yell at the top of their lungs like they just bagged Bigfoot. Riding by the outfitters lodge we were almost certain we saw the same truck and we think it was probably some of their guides trying to scare us off. I’m really hoping to return to the same spot this year, walking in and camping out but I’m nervous about leaving my truck there.
What would y’all do?
I really don’t want to travel across the country and have any confrontation or have my vehicle tampered with. I know these guys are trying to make money off of the outfitting and I understand them not wanting to see anybody hunting that area but it’s not theirs to dictate.
I would set up a trail cam or 2 near/around your truck and capture photos in the event you rig is messed with. If there is a way to elevate a camera I would do that.
Not to derail but I'm interested to hear from some of you that hang cameras around your truck if you've ever captured anything of interest. I've never had an issue parking at trailheads or off public roads. It's standard practice here to even leave the truck unlocked or keys in the gas tank door. From the sounds of this thread I may want to consider being a little more cautious.
Ask what the problem is. If they give you any lip or get threatening find a nice way to tell them what goes around comes around
Sounds like a great way to to escalate things. I'm not afraid of trouble but it's the last thing I'm looking for on my only days off on an out of town hunt. That would be a good time to contact a warden and not make counter threats imo.
Go enjoy your hunt! Don’t let the “what if’s” spoil it. You can’t control them, only you. Take the GW contact info with you and go hunt!
We have had several incidents more direct than this. Most recent was the same rancher (with a large outfitting business and enrolled in RFW) running cattle off of private onto public and through hunting areas and camps during 2nd season 2 years in a row. Pictures, descriptions and video (of them driving cattle through CAMPS) sent to CPW. Mysteriously nothing has been done to the nearly 30,000 acre ranch spanning 3 GMUs..... :rolleyes: Money talks...seriously. That being said I would still go ahead. Given that they are a known commodity it would be pretty stupid to actually mess with your stuff.
Caribou Gear

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