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Out West Who's our Candidate for Pres?

Hey look at the bright side, we have until November to casually discuss our views! LOL Everyone will have strong opinions and some might be right on certain levels........John
This is one thing im starting to hate about this site. There are no real discussions or debates, everything turns into a dick measuring contest. SMH

BBD - I find these discussions to be very helpful. I read them for what they are - debates. Debates with a hell of a lot more evidence and support than any of the debates I have caught parts of on TV over the last few months.

This is not a forum where everyone is expected to have the same opinions. Imagine how boring that would be, not just here, but in life.

Things always calm down in hunting season, as that is about stories and pics, not opinions. So, we all kiss and make up come sometime around September 1st.

If you watch and read what gets posted here, you will find some extremely intelligent guys posting great information on these threads. Some vocal and intelligent, some more silent and intelligent. Both sides can hold their own in a debate.

A thread such as this is far from being out of hand. Given the volatility of the topic, I think guys have behaved pretty well.
This is one thing im starting to hate about this site. There are no real discussions or debates, everything turns into a dick measuring contest. SMH

Aren't you the fellow that claimed you roommates’ logged in on your account and posted stuff?

Is this really your roommates’?

Don’t roll over on your back like a submissive dog. Jose will pounce!:D

Grow a set and get back in the battle.
Aren't you the fellow that claimed you roommates’ logged in on your account and posted stuff?

Is this really your roommates’?
you too? you and shoots need to get over that, it really wasnt a big deal

et tu, Brute?
Not to pick on you, but since you are a student, you should be interested in learning.

That actually furthers my point i think. Most of Nevada is public land (I think somthing like 90%) and it is extremely arid which means there are alot of areas with little or no game at all.
"Extremely arid" does not mean no game, and, My Public Lands have many values besides the ability to hold game.

There is so much open space that taking a little wont hurt. Thats why there are people like Oak and other professionals that research environmental impacts of development before it takes place so im sure it was discovered there would be no harm in that sense.
Yes, "taking a little" will HURT. And, no offense to people like Oak, but the only reason people like Oak have been hired is because there are people who value My Public Lands and have fought years of battles to force environmental studies. Since, you know all about the open space of Nevada, you will know all about the damage of the Ruby Pipeline that went in last year. The amount of damage it did is staggering, and that is AFTER tons of studies, mitigation, and negotiation by some of my friends to minimize the damages. And, after all that, El Paso even paid an additional $22 Million as a flat-out acknowledgement that the damage they did couldn't be helped, so please fix other parts of Northern Nevada. Yeah, so there are guys like Oak out there studying, but only because other guys have forced the developers to consider the environmental impacts of their actions.

And i guess the next question is that while your example is accurate its also in the middle of nowhere. I cant remeber the last time i heard of anyone going out to mount Hope haha. There are NO people here and thats why they can develope our lands.

Funny, but I was down at Mt. Hope last month. And this week I was in the Rubies and up in the Jarbridge. Yeah, those are "the middle of nowhere", but, here is your free edjumacation for the week, some of the best times in your life will come in "the middle of nowhere". So, now you know.

(And, don't take it personally, but the more you can learn, and others can learn about the values of My Public Lands, the more we can enjoy them for generations of hunters to come.)
All political partys have fund raisers Warren Buffet hosted one for O bama that was $28.500 per person, Obama had a birthday bash that went from $50.00 per person to $38.000 per person They all do it for thier own political ambitions

Yes they do, but how many of them hold them at an exclusive private club called The Petroleum Club with fat-cat oil guys hosted by a sitting Representative of Congress (Rodney Alexander, R-La) who has a voting record of trying to sell My Public Lands and other anti-hunting positions?

There is nothing wrong with money, there is something wrong with selling My Public Lands like Romney/Santorum are advocating.
if Josies ignorance weren't so pathetic, it might be funny. from HIS post............

"The Labor Department said Friday that employers added 227,000 jobs last month, slightly more than what most economists were expecting."

"The nation’s jobless rate remained at 8.3% in February after falling for five straight months."

so, for anyone with even a second grade education, they can see that there was ZERO job growth if the jobless rate remained the same. switching one job for another is NOT job growth. no matter what this administration or Josie wants you to believe.

I think if you would have passed 2nd grade, you would have learned how fractions and percentages work in the 3rd grade. You would be able to do the math and learn that as people are now feeling much better about the economy, more people are looking for work than were previously, so, not only was there more than an average of 200k jobs created for the 6th month in a row, there are now more people looking for work, thus, it holds the percentage the same.

Math? How does it work???

You might want to do a bit of fact checking on what that program entails. Past comments you've made regarding ag subsidies (IIRC the term you like is welfare) makes me believe that you are very ignorant of this program. But, hey, the way it's titled it sounds like he was wanting to end something you'd support, right? Laffin'

I liked you better when "Listen/read lots. Type less." was your motto.... ;)
I think if you would have passed 2nd grade, you would have learned how fractions and percentages work in the 3rd grade. You would be able to do the math and learn that as people are now feeling much better about the economy, more people are looking for work than were previously, so, not only was there more than an average of 200k jobs created for the 6th month in a row, there are now more people looking for work, thus, it holds the percentage the same.

Math? How does it work???


see you are still easily amused. and still completely clueless. you say, and I quote, "more people are looking for work than were previously". so, either we have had a major addition of HS grads looking for work, or more people are unemployed.

stick to drinking the kool-aide, and leave the big discussions for the adults. by the way, where are the stats that people are "feeling much better about the economy"? and please don't post some clip from a cnn news story. and nothing from the cbo. as you told NHY, after he posted a story that quoted them, not so good for facts.
see you are still easily amused. and still completely clueless. you say, and I quote, "more people are looking for work than were previously". so, either we have had a major addition of HS grads looking for work, or more people are unemployed.

stick to drinking the kool-aide, and leave the big discussions for the adults. by the way, where are the stats that people are "feeling much better about the economy"? and please don't post some clip from a cnn news story. and nothing from the cbo. as you told NHY, after he posted a story that quoted them, not so good for facts.

Like I said, wait until you get into the 3rd grade, then you will understand math. Maybe even reading....

From ABC News:
The morning's gains were driven by news that employers added 227,000 jobs last month, finishing three of the best months for hiring since the recession began. The unemployment rate was unchanged at 8.3 percent because unemployed people started looking for work again, which increased the size of the labor force.

From the right-wing Wall St. Journal:
Friday’s jobs report offers some good news for President Barack Obama, whose political fortunes have improved as Americans begin to feel better about the economy. And the improving data could complicate the political case for Republicans, who have put the struggling economy in the center of their anti-Obama case.

The Labor Department reported that non-farm payrolls rose by a seasonally adjusted 227,000 jobs in February, and adjusted upward its estimate of job gains in December and January.

In past months, Republicans have responded to a falling unemployment rate by noting that many workers have left the labor force altogether and therefore are no longer counted as looking for work. This month, that argument was harder to make, given a rise in labor force participation.

And, from your beloved Fox News (likely written in Crayon, slowly, so even you can read it):
As a whole, though, the economy showed sustained growth. Employers added 227,000 jobs in February, keeping up one of the best hiring streaks since the recession.

The Obama administration on Friday said the report shows the economy is going in the right direction

Don't hurt yourself trying to explain your losing proposition....
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think you would get tired of being shown how ignorant you are.

"12.8 million Americans remain officially out of work—essentially the same number as last month."

now, with your math skills, explain how the unemployment stays the same, but there is job growth?

"But Krueger injected a note of caution: "The monthly employment and unemployment numbers can be volatile, and employment estimates can be subject to substantial revision."

josie, are you trying to pass off estimates as facts? especially ones that can change?

and just to give you some help. the numbers you want to use, are from private sector jobs. when you realize that government jobs are not figured into the "jobs created" section, maybe you will realize why your BS is just that. wonder why the government wouldn't use those numbers? let me know if you need help with that answer.

nice self portrait josie. looks like the one I have of you in the boat.
I can't help you if you can't understand the monthly Jobs Report that comes out, wait for this, EVERY MONTH.

You can go ahead and use whatever metric you want. More power to you.
I guess I had the same math class as others.If 8.3% of people were unemployed in Jan. and 8.3 of the people are unemployed in Feb,where was the growth you speak of.What industries are doing the hiring now??I don't have as much time to read every newspaper there is so this is an honest question.
And, your racist arguement with me is a joke thats why I put lol after it.You know nothing about me as a person,but it seems like if anyone on here doesn't like Obama they instantly become a racist.Seems to me, there is much more reverse racism today.This is all besides the point.I would like to see the big job creators of today though.unfortunately, I have to go to work 7 days a week to help out my unemployed brothers so its easier to have you find these figures out for me
Like I said, wait until you get into the 3rd grade, then you will understand math. Maybe even reading....

From ABC News:

From the right-wing Wall St. Journal:

And, from your beloved Fox News (likely written in Crayon, slowly, so even you can read it):

Don't hurt yourself trying to explain your losing proposition....

But fox news lies right? Maybe the answer to the whole problem is to make a law that only landlocked public lands can be sold.:rolleyes: I cant figure out who to support this election so I dont have much room to talk on this subject.