Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Out West Who's our Candidate for Pres?

Thanks for the advice but im entitled to my opinion and will share rightfully so. Who are you to tell me not to? Likewise, how do you know they will? If you can see the future as well as you make it sound can you tell me how much money ill be making in about 10 years? Am i going to have daughters or sons? The point is you caan't so dont act like you have a hold on development. Its all speculation so i was just adding my 2 cents.

This is one thing im starting to hate about this site. There are no real discussions or debates, everything turns into a dick measuring contest. SMH
I'm not trying to censor you, but that was a suggestion to you to learn more about these topics. College is great for learning a whole gamut of things, but it is very lacking in educating folks on these types of issues. That was the gist of my post, read and learn more about these issues. Take it or leave it I don't care, but I, and many others, will make sure you have your facts straight.
I liked you better when "Listen/read lots. Type less." was your motto.... ;)
I'm guessing that from you that is as close as I'll get to you admitting I'm right! :D

I would have thought the same about the program until I had to administer contracts through it...
If either of the two guys now leading the race for the republican nod get elected, how much does it matter to you that you'll have to spend the next at least 4 years fighting them back just to keep our public lands legacy and western hunting heritage real? It seems like hunting for those two is just the 2nd amendment, I dont think they see any connection between privatizing our national treasures and hunting . . . Is it enough that they support the 2nd? Isn't that a no brainer? Romney's the same guy, without a doubt who would sell the last mule deer buck to the guy with the most money cuz it would be what a businessman would do . . . Am I wrong? Who do I support?

back to the original question.

finalshot supports Obama for reelection and I can understand his reasoning. He says in another post that Obama didn't run an in your face campaign of selling public lands he is right there as well.

If the single and only issue in this campaign is public lands and nothing else then voting for president Obama is your only choice. While Romney is not exactly "in your face" about selling public lands he is uneducated about the issue to say the least.

For the record I really don't care if PPACA (the so called Obama care) is repealed or not, I think I have positioned my business to prosper whether or not it is the law or not. I don't have an issue with the President's race and I am not sold on Romney or any other Republican at this point. I hunt on public land, I spend alot time every summer with my friends and family camping on public land, my family holds grazing permits on public lands, my kids have all taken their share of animals on public lands so I don't want them sold off. Still has not convinced me that President Obama is the guy to protect and cherish my hunting heritage as he doesn't know one end of a shotgun from another,

If I were a single issue voter my single issue is the debt and neither party is doing anything about it so a pox on both their houses. Even the Ryan budget doesn't change the trajectory of our debt and we can only print so many dollars before monetizing the debt stops working. So when I get in the booth I am going to have to vote yes or no on whether I want to continue with what President Obama wants in his second term or if I want to change directions. Is it better to vote for the devil you know or for the devil you don't know, either way it is going to be hell.

back to the original question.

finalshot supports Obama for reelection and I can understand his reasoning. He says in another post that Obama didn't run an in your face campaign of selling public lands he is right there as well.

If the single and only issue in this campaign is public lands and nothing else then voting for president Obama is your only choice. While Romney is not exactly "in your face" about selling public lands he is uneducated about the issue to say the least.

For the record I really don't care if PPACA (the so called Obama care) is repealed or not, I think I have positioned my business to prosper whether or not it is the law or not. I don't have an issue with the President's race and I am not sold on Romney or any other Republican at this point. I hunt on public land, I spend alot time every summer with my friends and family camping on public land, my family holds grazing permits on public lands, my kids have all taken their share of animals on public lands so I don't want them sold off. Still has not convinced me that President Obama is the guy to protect and cherish my hunting heritage as he doesn't know one end of a shotgun from another,

If I were a single issue voter my single issue is the debt and neither party is doing anything about it so a pox on both their houses. Even the Ryan budget doesn't change the trajectory of our debt and we can only print so many dollars before monetizing the debt stops working. So when I get in the booth I am going to have to vote yes or no on whether I want to continue with what President Obama wants in his second term or if I want to change directions. Is it better to vote for the devil you know or for the devil you don't know, either way it is going to be hell.


Dang Nemont, very well said.

Conservation is a huge issue for (big surprise) but so if foreign policy and economic policy, which all have conservation bents. As Theordore Roosevelt said over 100 years ago: "There can be no greater issue than the conservation of this country."

But as Nextar said, if any one of those SOB's thinks they're going to cut a tree, I'm going to chain myself to it while wearing faux-buckskin and patchouli.

Off to the MSA meeting shortly. I'm sure we'll be hugging the tree that's in the middle of our drum circle.
I have voted republican for years but their new war on the middle class means I will probably never vote for them again. Its sad when your choice comes down to the lesser of two evils.
Its sad when your choice comes down to the lesser of two evils.

Sad but not always true.... This year I am voting for who I like the best, not who the R or D backs.
I had a hard time voting for McStain in the last election, I am not doing that again if the same situation comes up.
On another note, our country is so far in debt and in far worst shape than most of us can really grasp that as much as I hate to say it, Hunting is not my primary concern in this election....
When things get this bad the right person to turn around any state or country will be hated by many for making the tough choices needed to shrink the debt.
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