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OTC Colorado Elk

I agree with wingman1 OTC Elk in Colorado, whether successful or not is a hunt a LOT of hunters can relate to! Would love to see an episode on it.

Sounds like a good time. Success is not always wagered on a kill. Camera crew or not. You should make an episode on... behind the scene. :)

Oh, it will be an episode. For the reasons mentioned.

To me, hunting is about family and friends. This is the first episode where I have had a chance to hunt with my brother, and I hope we can show how strong the bonds of hunting tie a family together. Must be strong bonds for us not to have killed each other amongst all the harassing and ribbing going on out there. I am sure there were a couple instances where Loren thought a fist fight might be soon to follow.

In the spirit of our show, OTC elk in Colorado is the most "doable/attainable" western big game hunt in the US. CO has almost 300,000 elk and in 93 units, you can buy an OTC bull tag. And there is a ton of public land to hunt.

Western Colorado is the most hunter-welcoming place I have ever been. That includes all places I have visited while hunting. If you are wearing camo or blaze orange, every person in a restaurant, bar, gas station, store, etc. will ask you, "Finding any elk?"

It is very cool to be in an area that is so geared up for hunters and hunting season. I hope that hospitality comes through in the episode.

I am excited to go back next year. Not because I know I will shoot a 350 bull, but I really enjoyed visiting with all the other hunters, listening to all the locals who were trying to help with advice, and watching a small town benefit from the money hunters brought to town.

And, we have to show at least one miss each season. Jason was kind enough to oblige and make that a reality for this year. It is getting late in the season, so if he had not missed, I would have been forced to do so on the KS whitetail or the AK bear hunts that will round out the season. I might miss on one of those shows, just so Jason doesn't feel so bad. ;)
A few pics from the trip. Since we don't have anything that is considered a trophy photo, these will have to do.

Loren enjoying a toasty campfire while scribing his daily field notes.

A cold frosty morning at just above 10,000'.

Smiling at one of Jason's imitations. Probably the best imitator I have ever met. His best of this trip was Billy Bob Thornton in Slingblade, asking for some "French Fried pataters... err, err." :D

Loren trying to warm up, knowing the big bull is soon to emerge from the aspens.

Hunting with your brother should make you smile.
Awesome adventure Randy, thanks for sharing've got a good grasp of what it's all about. In an age where trophy magazines and websites abound, some have forgotten it's called hunting and not killing.
Well, Randy I am finally able to write as I was crying for the last 5 days.
No, I would do it again even if I knew I was going to miss before I went on a trip with you . As everone knows if you have never missed a shot at a animal you probably have'nt hunted that much. It was a great time and hope we can do it again .Hunting is not about killing it is about the bond with family and friends.You are a great brother and Elk hunter I learned a lot from you and the next time the Elk won't be so lucky .Also I gained alot of respect for the guys that go on the OYOA tv show ,it is not as easy as one may think to get everything right on camera and still hit your target .Thanks for the good time it will be a memory of a lifetime even if I do get teased alot.Thanks to Loren (the ace camera guy) it was fun entertaining you for a few days. Stay warm ! :) Jason
Sounds like you had a fun hunt, just wandering if the area you picked to hunt had larger amounts of wilderness that you could access to get away from people and 4 wheelers? You are right most hunters won't go more than about a mile or so from the trail or road. I've got 3 points going into next year and really want to hunt but I hate seeing orange. Do you try calling area conservation officers to get there opinion on elk populations. What other types of research should I check into so I can get a quality hunt?
Sounds like you had a fun hunt, just wandering if the area you picked to hunt had larger amounts of wilderness that you could access to get away from people and 4 wheelers? You are right most hunters won't go more than about a mile or so from the trail or road. I've got 3 points going into next year and really want to hunt but I hate seeing orange. Do you try calling area conservation officers to get there opinion on elk populations. What other types of research should I check into so I can get a quality hunt?

No wilderness in this area. It was Over the Counter and you can hunt without even drawing - just show up before season and buy your tag.

If you have three Preference Points, you might be able to draw the first or fourth season in many of these units. Less orange in those seasons.

Always call the biologists when doing the research. Wardens also. Colorado has so many resources on their website, it makes the research way, way, easier than any other state I have hunted. Here are a couple helpful links.

Colorado Hunt Planner

Colorado DOW Elk Hunting University

Here is what I would check in to when choosing an area.

1. Populations
2. Bull to cow ratios
3. Public land versus private land
4. Migratory hunt versus resident herd
5. Success rates, by season and weapon type

Once I select an area, I then narrow it down even further:

1. What weapon type do I want to hunt?
2. Item 1 determines the time of year I will be hunting, so that will help me decide if my tactic is food, rut, or migration based.
3. Get the maps of the unit and look where roads and trails are closed during hunting season. Get as far away from roads as you can, within the limits of how far you can pack a quartered elk.

With that, you will find elk, especially in a state like Colorado.

One thing that struck me from the hunters we talked to, was how they questioned why we would hunt in an area where you can't drag an elk. I get that email a lot.

If you plan to be successful elk hunting, you better learn how to quarter an elk. Boning might be required, so know that also. And, have a good pack to get them out. Dragging elk is not going to happen very often.

I now realize how many hunters have never quartered and hauled an elk. I take it for granted, but when I look back 20 years, I remember how intimidating the idea was.

I guess what I am saying, is that you will find very few places with lots of orange and lots of elk. Less orange means more elk and requires getting off the beaten path. Getting off the beaten path requires that you are in the mental and physical shape to handle a 500-800 animals with a knife and a pack.

To me, getting the mental comfort of knowing you will be quartering and packing is as much of a challenge as determining the area to hunt.

Many of the guys we encountered had already ruled out 90% of the unit because they were not willing/capable of getting an elk out of the tougher areas. That is why the success rate on bulls is around 12% for that unit. And that is why we never met another hunter, except down closer to the trailheads. And most were complaining of not seeing many elk. :confused:

A long answer to your questions. But, be careful, the advice is probably worth what you paid for it. :eek:
Having lived in CO all my life, I have learned where to hunt and where not to hunt. Just as you were advised, getting off the road is the best chance for success. I am always amazed at how many people just drive around, I guess either hoping to shoot one or run them over.

There are lot of elk in CO, but the one think that keeps people from hunting here and being successful is the altitude. If you are going to hunt here, you really need to prepare for that altitude.

I am looking forward to seeing the footage. Sounds like you had a really CO hunting experience.
colorado elk

i shot my first bull elk last season. it was a 5x4 bull elk opening day of second season up on the mesa. hope you had success with your elk hunt.


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