Caribou Gear Tarp

Oregon continued....#2


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2001
₵tral Oar-e-gun
Thought I'd split this up a bit so the dial-uppers don't get picture overload.

Day 3

Soooo where were we… Mike1's buck skinned and hanging last night- he’s off scouting for elk while Mike2 and I will still be chasing bucks this morning. I have already “announced” (since missing that dandy yesterday) that I am going to take the first good buck I see today or, at least, the first typical 4x4 that wanders in. Having a deer season left to go in Cali, I’m biting at the bit to chase some elk and will only have four days left after today.

Speaking of elk, a bit cooler this morning- 34* by the therm. on my pack….maybe it will get them stirred up a bit hump Hiked into my stand, settled in, and enjoyed this sunrise.


About 40 minutes into the morning I hear a bound coming my way…..even though I said I wouldn't fugg with it anymore- I’ve got both the bow and camera ready.....but the bow was left hanging and the camera put to use-another Moosie spike and a pack-o-does was it but at least it got the heart pumping!



Morning turned slow with nothing but another friend of miller’s (no pecker this time)


Was mid-day when this 3x3 walked out of the burn and found himself a shady spot.



A cliff bar and Gatorade into afternoon I was thinking about taking a leak and saw a set of horns coming down the main trail towards my stand- no camera this time…it’s horns and a bunch of em’ to boot.

Picked up my bow as four bucks broke over the top of the hill. They were beginning to scatter through the trees instead of keeping to the trail- this sucked for two reasons, the first being that it looked as if only the first buck, a smallish 2x3, would come under my stand. Secondly it looked like I would have a BUNCH of eyes to deal with the minute I drew my bow. Luck drifted my way as right before the timber, the lead buck stopped to piss and pluck some browse. This seemed to get the interest of the others and they lined right out behind him on the main trail once again. Following the first buck was a big forky. The 3rd buck back was a average 4x4 but he looked like the guy I needed to begin my elk hunting! Last buck in line was a narrow 3x3.

The morning thermals had shifted and I could feel some upslope wind now at my back. Sure as shit as soon as the lead buck came parallel to my stand he locked up tight and his ears spun back. The forky was holding back the buck I wanted and they had changed trails and were now coming straight in on me. I again caught a bit of a break as the lead buck bounded down the ridge distracting the other two and allowing me to draw.

The forky was now only 10 yards from the base of my tree but the 4x was dipped in back behind him. As I held my draw the bigger buck hooked the forky in the ass to get him going and I let Mr. Muzzy take flight. Was going for a spot at the crease of the neck and front shoulder and at point blank range (~12 yards) I felt pretty good about the release.

Climbed down from the tree and immediate saw this



Followed the blood trail and it was a good one- heavy spray on the right side and good flow on the left. Buck had piled up only a stones throw from Mike1’s gut pile from the day before. Mike2 had opted to sit his stand and had viewed the whole affair through his Leicas from the next ridge over. He hiked down and after a couple of photos we gutted the buck and packed him down to the skid trail below.



That pretty much put the end to day 3….With two tags filled Mike2 is going to change gears as well and join Mike1 and myself looking for elk in the Am.
Great Story and congrats on the buck. Thanks for sharing. Hope the outcome of the elk hunt ends as good or better.
Dude.. Again, Love the Pictures !!!

Congrats on the Buck, and thanx for the Story !!!

Can you give me the coordinates for the Spike buck you posted ? I know it's probably a Big Secret and All but .. really, it's a Nice one !!! :p

Kudos !
Very nice Marv, great story with a great pics. I ain't so good at readin', but I like purdy pics.

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