Ontario Moose Hunt


Dec 19, 2010
I'm heading up soon (Oct 1) to hunt moose about 4 hours north of Thunder Bay. In order to get a tag I needed to go through an outfitter - it will be a DIY for everything except the float plane trip. It will be two of us in a tent and a raft - about 4,000 acre lake with a lot of moose habitat. I'm excited...they say there are +40 moose in 100 sq KM. I'm wondering if anyone has done this type of hunt before and would be willing to share tips. thanks!
I haven't done a lake based hunt, but have been on a few dozen moose hunts. Bulls like to get in a place where they can call and hear well. They'll rake brush, and grunt, then stand completely still for 10-15 minutes or more listening intently.

Find a decent clearing or open ridge with thick cover near by. Get to the edge and call and call and call, but do so sparingly. If there are love sick bulls in the area, they'll show up sooner or later, could take a few days even. If you hear bulls/cows calling move in close and kill them. Moose are not really hard to hunt, nor scared of much.

My secret weapon is a quart oil jug, with the bottom cut out, and then tape it to a stick. Rake it on trees and grunt.

I plan to see how it works out this weekend... I have a couple areas scouted, and odds are a bull is going to hit the dirt.
I hunted in the Nipigon area last season, weather was really warm and didn't see much. Be prepared to spend a lot of time looking and cover that lake as much as possible. Good luck, hope you do well!
ontario moose hunting

cover as much of the shoreline as possible, particulary the sandy beach's and where creeks and rivers flow in and out. look for tracks even in the water a foot deep or so. pick the area that has the most moose sign and call. in the evening and be there b4 daylight and be quiet. call again when it is legal to shoot and be ready, if no responce call efvery 15 minutes or so and splash around in the water to simulate a cow walking in water,, wait until 9 am or so and leave and look for more sign.. find 2 or 3 spots and hunt them Moose do not charge in to a call like an elk they take there sweet time the call you made today might be the moose you shoot tomarrow the last few hours of daylight is generaly the best time to call moose, use cow calls,,, the oil can trick is a good one and could be used if the bull you have coming is held up and you are sure he is a mature bull,
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I had the best luck in northern MN raking brush like Babistew described above. The cow calls werent working much the week I hunted.
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