PEAX Equipment

One bird blues

Walt lister

New member
Jul 26, 2010
Finally cooled down into the high 70s here so spent a couple of hours looking for gambels.

This far from the car and no hole in the fence, guess I'll have to crawl under. Too fat to climb over.

No fruit on the prickly pear, there should be some this time of the year. Bad sign.


Saw a quail run over this rise and when I topped it a decent covey flushed out of the brush about 20 yards in front of me. Had a chance at a double but only downed the first bird I shot at.

Maybe I can use my shadow to scare a bird out of the brush. Sometimes this works but not today.

The birds had scattered in all directions and when they do that i can usually put up a few singles. I worked the area for quite a while but only had a couple flush near enough to get a long shot off and didn't connect. They may have flown down into the real thick brush at the bottom but that is almost impossible to hunt without a dog.

Thought maybe a few ended up in the crucifixion thorn trees but no luck.

In cow country, cow trails this prominent will almost always lead to water.

Yep, there in the distance are the tanks and the cows.

Obligatory dead bird pic. Young hen.

Supposed to heat up to near 90* again this week so I'll wait 'till it cools off again to give it another try.
Snakes are always a possibility here. I wear snakeproof chaps. Even in winter if it warms up you can find them out sunning themselves.

The gun is a 20ga model 1912 made in 1918. Uses 2 1/2" ammo.