omg are there any decent trustworthy hunters left out there


New member
Aug 16, 2005
you know when you think you know someone long enough to share your hunting spot with , and you find out that that friend told his friend and he told his friend and so on and so on. I think im about to go postal. Jesus i need new friends. :BLEEP: |oo
You make a good and valid point on who you should and should not tell. I would guess I only have a hand full of people I would tell or show spots to. It's easier to give a general location and let them figure it out on their own. Good hunting spots are harder and harder to come by these days.
I know everyones hunting spots, thats why I shoot Chitty Elk and Deer !!! All my good hunting buddies hunt their spots and I would feel bad if I went there.. I know A Chit load of people.... so My hunting spots are limited to Downtown Nampa and online.. ;)
it's tough to figure out who you can talk about hunting with, I'd never hunt somewhere someone showed me without them there, much less tell someone else where it was. I've had several people end up hunting places I showed them, with thier new found "friends". good luck.
downtown nampa

lol that probly why your shit got stolen , moosie put up his stand and bait barrel in the park. it should have tipped you off when you found that homeless guy in your stand sleeping. :D
I had one friend who I had hunted with since we were 11,we went to college and kind of drifted apart afterward.All of a sudden he started showing up in our old spots with some of his new buddies,needless to say we had a couple heated exchanges over this MASSIVE breech of confidentiality.We didn't hunt together for about 10 years ,but he has since learned the error of his ways as his new buds f_ _ _ _d up our old spots.Now in our 40's it's back to the two of us and life is preety good.
I rarely tell, let alone take anyone to a spot that I don't want to get ruined. Got burned a couple times on grouse hunting spots and will never do it again.
Got to honor another mans honey hole ;)

I was having a crappy run of luck at turkeys a couple years back (0 for 2 years) and a buddy took me into his (public ground) turkey mecca. We hammered em' hump I know they are still there but have never been back- though it's public ground it's his spot to hunt, his spot to tell/share (should he want), and I was privileged to be taken there.

People who move in on your spots/or give them away are plain bastages IMHO!
You just can't tell, no matter what. Lie like a dog if you have to appease someone.

I have a couple places that I will take someone that I don't with on a regular basis. Someone who wants to get out hear some elk bugles and have a descent chance to get into one. These are places that are easy access and thus hunted by more people.
Man I don't know what you are whining about your spot sucks anyway. Just make sure you stay out of my spots.

haha funny, put your beer can down ,take 10 steps off the road and it will be like a brand new area for you. dam road hunters. :wank:
I know what you are talking about. I have had issues with guys that I have hunted with before over respect for each other, as hunters. I'm sorry, call me old fashioned (and I have been called that!) but if a friend is curteous enough to take me some where, then I feel the utmost necessity to be respectful.

I have invited someone into a special place only to hear them tell me that they are going to change this, do that, and come back when ever they want...that is wrong in my book. When you're invited as a guest, that is just what it means for God doesn't mean I'm going to share me casa, my wife, and my guns with you! BE RESPECTFUL!

That being said, I've pretty much given up bring new folks into my inner circle as far as hunting goes. I stick to my couple close freinds (that I can truely trust) and my imidiate family and that is it. I am very selective now.
I can add to this!!

My best friend and hunting partner from before grade school burned me. I have several small (5-60 acres) pieces of land I hunt. They are all owned by friends and people I know. One place is only 7 acres and there are a lot of nice bucks that hang in there. We can only shoot bows there. Well My budy calls me and asked if I wanted to go do an evening hunt. I told him that I didn't think so but if I went I would call him. Well the wife gets home from work and offers to accompany me on an evening hunt. I cant turn that down. Well I call my friend to see if he wanted to go and he does not answer. We get to the driveway and upen the gate only to hear a bug boom. I jump in the truck and there is my so called friend with one of his clients that he was trying to impress with letting him shoot a buck. I chewed him out and he thought he did nothing wrong. That has been three years ago and we have not talked since. When I confronted him about it a few weeks later his last words to me were "F@#% YOU!!! So that is where I left it.

Problem is he keeps going back and sneaking in when I am at work. I was going to call the law on him but I just dont have the heart to do that to him.
New Eberlestock J104

Howdy All,

I'm the new kid on the block. Just purchased the new J104 hunting pack from Eberlestock, after reading a lot of the comments on this site. Should be here tomorrow. I'm getting up into my 50's and I have a lot of arthritus in the low back now days. Hope this pack will help with the comfort level a bit. My first elk hunt was at age 5, so I've been elk hunting for about 45 years now. I will hunt from crutches or a wheel chair if I have to! I plan on using this pack for a mondo bull this year, even if I have to crawl out with it. Anybody got the 2007 model yet?
You can't really call who will do that to ya or who would not. I know I am in the catagory of if it's yours it's yours first. Duck Hunters seem to be pretty bad. But everyone has that in them, just got to keep it in check! Hey, Elk Eater Welcome aboard, First timers have to tell their favorite Hunting spot!!!! John
Hunting is getting so damn competitive..hell there are people here who won't even divulge what low odds unit they've drawn.;)
I can add to this!!

My best friend and hunting partner from before grade school burned me. I have several small (5-60 acres) pieces of land I hunt. They are all owned by friends and people I know. One place is only 7 acres and there are a lot of nice bucks that hang in there. We can only shoot bows there. Well My budy calls me and asked if I wanted to go do an evening hunt. I told him that I didn't think so but if I went I would call him. Well the wife gets home from work and offers to accompany me on an evening hunt. I cant turn that down. Well I call my friend to see if he wanted to go and he does not answer. We get to the driveway and upen the gate only to hear a bug boom. I jump in the truck and there is my so called friend with one of his clients that he was trying to impress with letting him shoot a buck. I chewed him out and he thought he did nothing wrong. That has been three years ago and we have not talked since. When I confronted him about it a few weeks later his last words to me were "F@#% YOU!!! So that is where I left it.

Problem is he keeps going back and sneaking in when I am at work. I was going to call the law on him but I just dont have the heart to do that to him.

Turn his ass in...he has to live with the consequences.
Acouple of newbies show up at your hunting spot... so what! They will just walk around all day and run the elk past you! Given that it is "your spot" you should just perch yourself on the escape route and let the games begin!
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