Caribou Gear Tarp

Not going to Wyoming this year


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
Another state and once again denied.

No pronghorn or deer for me.

License Type: Results Area/Type
Non-Resident Antelope w/ Preference Point Option Unsuccessful All Choices/1 Point N/A
Non-Resident Special Deer w/ Preference Point Option Unsuccessful All Choices/1 Point N/A
Non-Resident Elk Preference Points 1 Purchased N
Wow, I drew an antelope tag.

Non-Resident Moose Preference Points 1 Purchased N/A
Non-Resident Bighorn Preference Points 1 Purchased N/A
Non-Resident Elk Preference Points 1 Purchased N/A
Non-Resident Deer w/ Preference Point Option Unsuccessful All Choices/1 Point N/A
Non-Resident Antelope w/ Preference Point Option Successful 1st Choice/No Points
Nada thing... But we've still got the leftover draw!
Oak, where will you be chasing goats?
First choice antelope for me, a few antlerless lope/deer tags, general elk, general deer.
License Type: Results Area/Type
Non-Resident Elk Preference Points 1 Purchased N/A

Non-Resident Deer w/ Preference Point Option Unsuccessful All Choices/1 Point N/A

Non-Resident Antelope w/ Preference Point Option Unsuccessful All Choices/1 Point N/A

Pretty much says it all doesn't it?
I drew two doe pronghorn tags, but struck out on the buck tag which was a 92% draw last year... :(

Yeah, go figure. I don't quite get it. But I sure in the hell ain't complaining. :D Another thing I don't get is that I didn't get my Typs 6 reduced cow/calf tag yet they have over 100 Type 2 cow tags left over. You'd think they'd just convert some of the Type 2's to Type 6's and give the rest of them out. I don't get these idiots sometimes.
Dude i really really really hate you. ;) How many 102 tags have you got in your lifetime??? I can't believe it. My dad has put in EVERY year since it became a draw and has never got a tag. I can't believe it, you are very lucky.

I want to put in as a party with YOUR name going into the computer for now on ;) ;)

Those additional tags things are a ficasco with WY. Your complaint isn't the first one i've heard....

Good Luck this fall....


This is the third straight year I've drawn and four out of the last five. It's got to come to an end I would think. But I'm going to take advantage of it while it lasts. I'm going to be calling G&F today and asking some questions. They have some real bad management going on down here with HMA's too. They tell you you can hunt from Aug. 15 to Oct. 14 in the application booklet and the regs but then when you get the permit you find out that you can't hunt from Aug. 15 to Sept. 14 because they have it reserved for archery and guides and the remaining month is broken up into two slots and you can only hunt one two week time slot or the other. On top of that the area is broken up in to different HMA's and you can't hold an access permit for more than one HMA. What a crock of S$%!.

I think I know what HMA's you're talking about and it makes sense the way the G&F does them.

I think it may be wise for you to not just think of yourself, think big-picture.

On top of that, be thankful that the landowners agree to let you hunt at all. Remember, they're doing this by CHOICE, they dont owe you anything.

Its not a crock of shit, its a fair way to make sure that every hunter has a quality hunt. You have to choose one or the other large HMA's in the area, but cant hold a permit for both. Each HMA has only a set number of permission slips given out, if you could have one for both areas, you'd likely never hunt both. The reason for splitting the HMA into 2 time frames is to cut down on the number of hunters out there at one time. Thats a good thing, I'd rather not be out there with 400 people. I think everyone has a much better experience when the pressure is spread out...I dont know about you, but I'd rather not hunt with a crowd.

The reasons for the way those HMA's your talking about are managed is not just to piss you off...if makes good sense for lots of reasons.

BTW, just because your permit is good for a certain time frame, sure doesnt mean you can hunt someones private land during that entire time frame.

I'd be real careful about bitching to the G&F about the HMA's because you feel like you should be able to hunt both areas and whenever you feel like it. For the record, one of the HMA's you're talking about was just about pulled out of the program when it was a walk-in area...too many people and people shooting toward each other, etc. That was one of the catalysts to start limiting how many hunters were allowed out there at a time.

The WYG&F doesnt do a lot of things right, but in this case, I believe the AccessYes program is one of the things they really do a good job with. They've made the rules for a reason.

I guess first off let me say I'm not just thinking of myself. I have talked with many a hunter and also with two of the ranchers that are part of the HMA's I hunt and all share the same opinions. These have also been shared with G&F this spring and they continue to ignore the ranchers and operate the HMA's the way they want to. For instance, at this springs meeting at one of the ranches the topic of ATV game retreival was brought up. The ranch we were on was dead set against it because no matter how hard they try to patrol the area people always find a way to get away with things and if ATV's are in possession you can bet some of them will be used to hunt from. This season now ATV retreival is allowed according to game and fish and against the ranches wishes.

Somewhat off topic let me give you another example. The G&F administers hunting seasons, dates and all things associated. They do not have the right to administer the lands. Last fall a gentleman we know took an elk down in the middle of an open field. He made contact with the landowner to try to get some help in retrieving the animal and was given permission to drive his truck to the animal. He was spotted by a warden and ticketed for having his truck off established roads. The warden still gave the ticket even after talking to the landowner and finding out they gave the permission. The landowner was furious by right but ignored. Because of the way he is handled by G&F he will be pulling his ranch from the HMA if this year is the same.

Now, I'm certainly not complaining about having to contend with fewer people while I'm out hunting and I absolutely think it's great that some of the land owners are opening up their lands to hunters. What I was mainly complaining about is the fact that none of the details are available at the time of application for the license. The first time we started hunting these areas we thought we would have an the whole area to hunt and for the entire timeframe shown in the application booklet and regs. When we got our licenses in there was information on getting HMA permits. We tried unsuccessfully to get the permits and were fortunate enough to get them from the ranchers. But many thing come up in the daily grind and often two weeks doesn't allow enough time for someone to get out and get an animal. My boss didn't get his antelope last year because of family and work related problems.

On the area(s) of topic the dates haven't changed since they began the program. For those who are used to hunting the area that is fine, but for those that are new to it they plan, especially out of staters, some plan these hunts quite a ways in advance only to find out that they can't hunt during the time the had scheduled off because up front G&F did tell them anywhere that the season is broken up or that only a certain number of people are allowed in the HMA and they can't get a permit whenever you have the time to try. They absolutely could do better managing and providing information on these types of areas in the future.

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