NM success


New member
Dec 6, 2012
Billings, MT
I just returned from a week in the mountains of New Mexico on a private ranch cow hunt.

This marks the second year on the ranch for me and my second elk taken in as many years. I put in for the general draw for NM, but did not draw unfortunately. I then broke my tibia/fibula in late April and have just recently started getting back to walking thru intense physical therapy only to find out a week before the hunt that the accident that broke my leg also tore my meniscus in that knee as well. To say I was doubting my ability to find an elk would be an understatement. I had no idea how I would be able to get up in the good elk spots on the ranch. I pretty much had decided I would go for the time in the high country with a great friend that introduced me to elk hunting last year, and if I lucked out and got a chance at a cow that would be icing on the proverbial cake.

We arrived late Monday evening and got settled in the cabin and discussed our options for the next few days. The next morning we were up super early to make the haul around to the front side of the ranch to get into the canyons where the elk had been the weeks before during the bull hunts. After walking through the first canyon for just a few minutes and not cutting a single track, we quickly back tracked to the truck to drive on to the next canyon. As we approached the next canyon we spotted four cows feeding through an arroyo and decided the wind was in our favor for a short stalk. We parked and snuck to within 150 yards of the feeding cows and then we both picked out a cow and counted to three and the rest is history as there were only two cows that ran out of the arroyo after we shot.

The work began, but luckily we were able to drive the truck to within 75 yards of them after field dressing and then had a short carry for the quarters and other meat.

Needless to say, I was quite excited to be able to put another elk in the freezer as my family has developed a great fondness for elk burgers and steaks!

Here are a few pics I snapped during the trip.


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