NM Desert Bighorn Hunt


Well-known member
May 5, 2019
East central NM
Thought I would share some pics of my dad's 2019 desert Bighorn Hunt on the Fra Cristobal mountains in NM. It was a 10 day hunt. Shot his ram on the 7th day. His ram scored 158. I also will include a couple pics if some ram heads we found to. 20191011_064958.jpgIMG-20191008-WA0053.jpg20191017_131920.jpg20191017_140214.jpgIMG-20191017-WA0110.jpg20191219_161726.jpgIMG-20191011-WA0004.jpeg

Here's pics of the rams we found dead.
And some more sheep pics.
Drew it the first year he put in and first choice.

I am so happy he drew in his first year. I have been putting in around two decades for sheep in NM and see no reason my odds should be better than his as we applied last year. I had 20 more chances by applying all those years he did not. I prefer luck over point creep systems any year, any place, any species. No poker table in Vegas gives different odds base on how many prior games or years you played. You step up, put your money on the table and take your chances using strategy and odds coupled with how others behave in similar situations.

Fantastic pictures!
Great pictures! I'm also a fan of the no points, completely random draws (though probably I would be a fan of the points if I had started buying them when I was, you know, 16 years old. I also like the Idaho twist of "once in a lifetime" tags.
Thought I would share some pics of my dad's 2019 desert Bighorn Hunt on the Fra Cristobal mountains in NM. It was a 10 day hunt. Shot his ram on the 7th day. His ram scored 158. I also will include a couple pics if some ram heads we found to. View attachment 143824View attachment 143825View attachment 143826View attachment 143829View attachment 143834View attachment 143836View attachment 143837

Here's pics of the rams we found dead.
View attachment 143838View attachment 143839
And some more sheep pics.
View attachment 143840View attachment 143841View attachment 143842View attachment 143843
Very cool. Thanks for sharing. I am always amazed at how folks find sheep in so much country.... Nice work!

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