Caribou Gear Tarp

Night Hunting

Game and Fish can do whatever is necessary in their eyes. It does not matter what the law says.

The neighbors of the Red Wall Ranch in Wyoming, would love to have Game and Fish do some night hunting. They all hang out on the ranch in the daytime and ravage neighboring crops at night. The fine eastern owner does not even allow his manager to hunt.
What could possibly go wrong by letting the protesting hunters hunt these elk at night? :eek:
This was no hunt it was a cull of the nuisance animals. I don't know what the uproar is about.
I may need to go back and listen to the broadcast a few more times. But, I was kind of bothered by the fact that their efforts focused on One study, from One graduate student, at One University of their choosing. After all of this expertise, time, and work; the only option was a cull hunt at night? Gimme a break.....
Game and Fish can do whatever is necessary in their eyes. It does not matter what the law says.

The neighbors of the Red Wall Ranch in Wyoming, would love to have Game and Fish do some night hunting. They all hang out on the ranch in the daytime and ravage neighboring crops at night. The fine eastern owner does not even allow his manager to hunt.
Because he does not allow hunting G&F will leave him to his problem, they will work with landowners that allow hunting .
I understand. The broader issue is with the attitudes during the interview and the fact that I didn't hear them ONCE mention any type of public access as a POSSIBLE solution.

Their attitudes impressed me as a couple of short sighted dimwits laughing it up over the Hicks who wanted to hunt. After all the talk over the Commiefornia migration to Idaho; I'm hopeful that people will take notice of the writing that's apparently on the wall. A foot has been taken from the inch that was given.
I find this upsetting. They didn't make a good effort to get the elk off the private land. They chased then off during the day and they came back at night. So, they sniped them all.

Why didn't they try chasing them off at night too? They would have then found another area. They killed them all and fed the poor. Screw the poor! They can feed them beef. Elk should be saved for those who make the effort and spend the money to hunt them.
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