Newbie wanting to organize a DIY Mule deer hunt


New member
Sep 17, 2016
Hello all. I'm looking to get a group of friends in Georgia together and go on a mule deer hunt. I've been to Colorado mule deer hunting in the past, but it has been years ago. I'm wanting to know which state is going to have the best chances of seeing mule deer compared to tag prices. I'm also wanting to hunt and camp on public land. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
First of all, welcome. It would help if you could give us some guidelines to your groups expectations. Sorry to say, but with just one year to plan, I'd just plan on having a enjoyable hunt, provided you draw.
Thank you for the welcome Gunner46. It would be 4 guys on a rifle hunt. We are all in good shape so walking/packing won't be an issue. Are there OTC tags for this? When I hunted Colorado, if memory serves, we put in for tags and leased land. That was 99 and early 2000's. We aren't looking for monsters, wouldn't pass one up, but the experience and the chance to see some Muleys.
Montana has OTC deer tags that are good statewide save a few minor exceptions. Rifle season runs for a month from late October to late November. I think it around $600. You have to apply in the springtime but the draw odds are at or close to 100% every year.
No OTC tags for mule deer in CO. Landowner tags for $$$$ is the only way to skip the draw process.

Good to know. I always here about good OTC opportunities in Colorado from people. They most be referring to elk or something else. Just assumed they had the same with Deer.

Either way the hunting in Idaho is terrible and I would not suggest going there. :)
Colorado has a draw system for mule deer tags. For nonresidents its $379
Amjones- welcome to forum. Lots of good people and information on here for those willing to listen. As a fellow non-westerner these guys have provided good information that has definitely helped me.

Critters aside the first thing I recommend is making sure your hunting party has similar expectations, abilities, fitness, and attitudes. Nothing sends a hunt south faster than a group without the same goals. I started heading west each year over 12 years ago and my group quickly became a pair. I still hunt here in Ohio with the others but the rigors of the west just did not mesh with most. I will say that the one who I do these with (my brother) the bonds formed in the backcountry are stronger than most. I obviously have no idea how your hunting buddies are just offering a word of caution.

As for deer, as others have stated Colorado has no OTC. It does have landowner vouchers but be prepared to open your wallet. Perhaps your group considers an elk hunt with OTC tags in year one while getting that all important preference point that will help you draw in the future.

Good luck whatever you decide.
Eastern Montana, lots of public land, good numbers, and relatively easy draw tags. Most years there are surplus, but this year there wasn't.
Coppermushroom, thank you for the advice. So elk hunting would be the better bet for public land? The time I was in Colorado we leased land and it was expensive. Now that I have a family that is not an option.
Thank you,
If I were you looking for an awesome adventure at the cheapest possible price I would take a hard look at OTC elk. Doing DIY with over the counter tags has allowed me to make this a yearly trip even with two young kids at home. The knowledge and mountain education you will gain on your own really speeds up the learning curve and the sense of accomplishment is second to none. Splitting your costs among your 2-3 buddies can make this a sub $1000 week including the tag. Looking back at my first trip it is amazing what I didn't know but each year you get better. As so often in life - the rewards you get out a DIY backcountry hunt are in direct correlation to the effort you put in.

If you are set on deer you need to play the tag lottery and hope for the best, if not your only other option in a landowner voucher for $$ or $$$$$$$.

Good luck

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