Newbie Here/ Archery Question


New member
Jul 26, 2016
Hey guys my name is Curtis and I'm new to the HuntTalk forum. I'm a 24 year old hunter from Missouri. This is my first year archery hunting and the season is quickly approaching. Quick question: How necessary is it to buy the practice version of the broadhead you will be hunting with?
Mechanical blades I am guessing? I'd say very important, because they can say they fly the same as field points all they want but in reality they wont. And you are going to want to get your bow tuned and sighted in with what you will actually be shooting animals with and since mechanicals are a pain to pull out of targets I would say get them. I shoot fixed blades so I just buy some and get tuned in and sighted in and then just buy more broadheads. That way I can hit the dirt and not worry about it and that gets designated as a new practice head!
Check and see how close this head shoots to where a field tip of the same weight shoots. If similar, always carry a field tipped arrow in the field. After morning hunts in a tree stand, I will take a practice shot from the tree. Often, it will be at an awkward angle, or behind me to simulate a real situation. Pick out a leaf as a target.
-Attention to detail is the key to success for an archery hunter. What was important with a firearm is ten times more important with a bow.
-Give the deer time to die after the shot. Unless I see them go down, I wait 45 minutes on what I think is a kill shot. If there is any indication of a gut shot, I wait 6 hours as a minimum.
-Don't be surprised if buck fever hits when you have a shot at a small doe. The excitement and challenge is what keeps us going back out time after time. Shoot every doe the state allows. You will improve and gain confidence with each kill.
As said above the regular mechanical is hard to pull out, so is a fixed blade in my opinion. I tape together 4 pieces of 2" blue foam insulation 2`*2` and shoot my broadheads at that. Unscrew the head sticking out the back and pull your arrow out, that way you shoot an actual head. Just my opinion on it.

I will designate one of my Muzzys as a target tip. And I'll also unscrew the tip if it makes it thru the other side of the target.
last year i tried about ten new mechanicals thanks to a friend at dicks and its amazing how they shoot compared to field points. some brands were great and others sucked. the best grouping to my field points was rage 2 blades so i went with them on an antelope hunt in south dakota. I killed a nice buck but the rage didnt open up. while i was there mike from savage outdoors was filming and he had the new wacum's mechanical. the hole it left was quite impressive and after testing it this year. its what ill be shooting. His friend and assistant randy morrison shot a goat as well and these things were just impressive. they opened up well, left a hole like a shotgun and flew like a fieldpoint.