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New Zealand Wanderings pt.1


New member
Jun 1, 2003
Hi there, thought l might share with u some pics from a recent hunt to New Zealand. Not sure whether it will be of interest to u all, considering it is on the other side of the world from u folks
.Did l not previously see a section for the 'South Pacific'postings?
Anyhows 'shanks pony' were used to pack through 3 main valleys on the South Island in our month long quest for Chamois/Tahr with bow.

Tahr hunting on the East Coast NZ, 13 days spent in these magic mountains. 2 days walk from station house, over 100 beast were encountered, though none for us, maybe one

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-14-2003 03:35: Message edited by: ds ]</font>
PC, Thar or Tahr are the Himalayan mountain goat,endangered in there home country and treated like Vermin by the idiotic Department of Conservation here in New Zealand a pack of useless fuggin morons
Are they abundant in NZ,and that is why they are treated like Vermin ?

Are they good eating,difficult to hunt ?

Those are beautiful pics
Why do they want eradication,are they preventing other species from growing ?

Nice link,looks like a fine place to hunt...too bad it costs money
That is a very beutiful place...
At first glance, I would have thought it was some place in Alaska....
Thanks for the great pics...
PC mate it costs nothing to hunt in New Zealand , millions of acres of free range that was just the 1st link I grabbed to show ya thar mate .
No,I meant the licenses,air fare,gun transportation,etc.

Why does the government wish to eradicate transplanted species ?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-14-2003 07:12: Message edited by: Seldom Ever ]</font>
License cost zero you get a free permit from D.O.C. lasts 6 months for wherever ya wanna go ,in fact I haven't had a permit in 5 years I just grab my gear and go bush just like most kiwis
We are not big on being told what to do and where to go

The reason they want all game exterminated is because they want to return New Zealand to what it was before it was Colonised ,all we had was birds and two species of bat no mammals at all, as I say they are fugged in the head.
That is strange, very wonder there are no licenses.

Wonder what a flight over and cost of gun shipment would be,hehehehe ? One of these days I'll have to check into it!

By the way ds,the pics you posted make excellent wallpaper for my PC.I don't suppose you could e-mail me those without the little tag in the right corner,could you mate ?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-14-2003 09:29: Message edited by: Seldom Ever ]</font>
thanks for the kind words, Seldom Ever it's as good as done. NZ is a majestic location with oppurtunities that allow's someone like myself to travel abroad on a regular basis and hunt unguided. Though as Kiwi Hunta has emphasised the people in charge of NZ's'wild place's are ignorant to the fact that NZ's mountions would lose much of their appeal if they were not graced (managed!! not over populated) with such majestic/grand creatures.
There is much debate as to whether introduced species such as these should be allowed to co-exist with their native cousins. To much water under the bridge; if they are so diligent for there cause, they should send European man packing also, he is an introduced species after all!!
enough said,more pics from the east coast


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-14-2003 17:32: Message edited by: ds ]</font>
Awsome Pics DS, Yes you did see a section for the South PAcific but I've sinced Removed it. This is the place to post such stories !!

NICE pics 'MAte !!! I was blessed to have made it to the South Island of N.Z and hunted the Hills east of Haast on the West coast... I tried the Bow two but Resorted to the 300 win Mag. Although They assured me that all the Elephants were gone in N.Z. I used the 300 non-the-less
We took 3 Tahr and 3 chamois.

AWSOME pics !!!! And welcome aboard ~
Thank you very much for posting the pictures. I've always wanted to fish New Zeland. Maybe one day I can see all that beauty in person.
hey, glad u all liked the pics, l appreciate your acknowledgement, something special about capturing stills! Moosie, which West Coast valley/river system did u hunt your critters in? and did u find the bush a little thick
We ain't got mountains like that here in Aussie which is why we travel abroad. By the same token we got some fine hunting to be had here also just a little different. Flytier the fishing is said to be great but we ain't done much, to busy trying to crack these nuts with the bow. They sure are nice surrounds, l'm sure some of your local country side would just as inspiring
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