New sizzle reel


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2010
When is the new sizzle reel going to be posted for our viewing pleasure?
Probably won't be a new sizzle for this year. Last year, we did the sizzle to announce our move to Sportsman Channel. Sizzles take a lot of time to do at the level we want.

Right now we are working on current edits and that is taking all the time we have. I know some people may wonder how it can take so long to edit an episode. The process goes something like this:

1. Log 20-25 hours of footage. Each segment, usually 10 to 60 seconds, gets graded for quality, focus, content, audio, etc. and then is tagged with numerous key words so that the editor can then find the stuff he is looking for.

2. Script and outline - This is less difficult, as we can use the "Live Hunt" threads here on Hunt Talk, combined with the field notes provided by the camera crew. Refer to the basic principles of the OYOA message to make sure that framework is what each episode is scripted around.

3. Edit, cutting of clips, transitioning, adding proper dialogue, capturing the highlights of the hunt, music, mood, graphics, and trying to put those together in a 22 minute package that captures everything and omitts nothing. The most difficult and time consuming part of the process. Where a good editor can save a marginal episode.

4. Review of rought draft - Determine if the direction of the storyline is correct. If not, start over. Give comments of pieces missing, items to change or drop, and agree on the highlights that need the most emphasis.

5. Review of First Draft - Randy reviews for his comments. A close panel of experts reviews and gives additional comment for Randy to consider. Randy considers those and then gives final comments to editor for next draft.

6. Review of Second Draft - Review changes made from comments provided above. Hopefully all is well, but always a few little quirks or wrinkles.

7. Prepare for network delivery - Cut to required segments for episode "Open," cut in logical areas for commerical breaks within times allowed by network, embed :30 second commercials, embed graphics and sponsor logo "bugs" in lower left, prepare billboards and narration, assign "Sponsored by" for that episode, prepare credits, special thanks, export for network format/codec, burn to network required media and mail to network for airing.

Do this for ten final episodes and usually one or two that do not have adquate storyline and throw those in the trash. This year, the big concerns are KS deer and NM archery elk. We have no worries about "no-kills" like you will see in AZ elk and CO elk. But, we at least need a compelling storyline and some footage of deer/elk and footage of hunting in enough different conditions and locations to keep the viewer enegaged. The two episodes I mention are worries. Until we go through steps 1 to 5, we won't know if we have something that works. If they do not have compelling stories and content, a lot of work and money is tossed in the trash.

Given all of that work, right now, the odds of a new sizzle reel is very unlikely. Sorry about that.
Thanks for the info. I guess if it was easy everybody would be doing it:)

Keep up the good work.

No teaser clip?
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