New shooter


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2021
San Antonio Valley California
One of the landowners bordering me to the west called a couple weeks ago and said they were coming up to sight in a rifle. He knew deer season was close and wanted to make sure it wouldn't bother me (or the deer) if they came up. My thoughts are they are going to trash opening weekend! Well, it's their property,,,,,, We talked a bit and they postponed until yesterday. As it unfolds, his step grandson has gone through hunter safety and gotten his hunting license and his step father bought him a pig hunt near Monterey somewhere. At least they arent going to shoot this place up!! Anyway,,,,the three of them come up and it turns out the kid has never fired anything but an Airsoft. Shit,,, this is going to be a cluster xxxxx. I was wrong. They wanted me to help school the kid a bit. His grandfather is a year or so younger than me and hasn't hunted for years so figured I would be a good choice to help him out. Shit!! I'm no teacher and have no patience for it. It turns out the kid really wants to learn and listened to what I told him, made the shooting adjustments I suggested. This was starting to be fun. To get to the point, he was mostly all in on a 3 inch bullseye at 100 yds in just a couple rounds off the bench. We worked on his off hand shooting a bit and he was in a 4-5" circle in a few rounds. I was impressed. A 16 year old kid, shooting a 30.06 as a first gun is on target with no bad habits in less than a box of shells. A new shooter is born. If he likes the pig hunt then they are going to look for a rifle of his own. It was a good day.
It's great to give back to the sport! Hopefully the kid embraces hunting safety and ethics and represents us well.

I never understood how CDFG could call pigs invasive species, declare they want to eliminate them, but then turn around and require a hunting license plus an actual tag to shoot a pig. Apparently they aren't very serious about getting rid of them.
Redmt you’re a gentlemen and a steward. I tip my cap to you. I recently taught one of my 8th Grade students to shoot. She did amazing and loves target practice now.

I watched a 20 something make a TikTok(assuming) video a few months ago at a local shooting range that I love. He was filming as he blasted crappy shots through his pistol. He wasn’t really unsafe, but he was dancing the line. I look back and wonder if I should have confronted him about gun safety and culture. It’s a private range and there was a range master… Regerts…
It's great to give back to the sport! Hopefully the kid embraces hunting safety and ethics and represents us well.

I never understood how CDFG could call pigs invasive species, declare they want to eliminate them, but then turn around and require a hunting license plus an actual tag to shoot a pig. Apparently they aren't very serious about getting rid of them.
Because we as hunters asked for pigs to be classified as a game animal, we asked for them not to be eliminated, but managed.

Large landowners want to declassify them, saying they are damaging property, but apparently damage permits, depredation permits, and letting hunters in to hunt just isn't enough.....see Montana elk management seems to be following the CA pig model.
In cattle country the elk do far more damage and cost the ranchers more money every year than the pig ever do. Besides, we can shoot the pigs. Shoot an elk and go to jail.
In cattle country the elk do far more damage and cost the ranchers more money every year than the pig ever do. Besides, we can shoot the pigs. Shoot an elk and go to jail.
That's why the word "conflict" shows up over 400 times in our elk management plan.....lots of places for elk, just not many where someone won't cry.

I was hunting on a ranch near Casa De Fruta off 152 a few years ago. I asked the rancher if any of the elk from San Luis ever show up. He said, his grandpa and neighbors rounded up all the elk and ran them off their ranches decades ago. Then he said, "back then no one would have thought you could charge $15,000-$20,000 for an elk know how many head of cattle you need to move for that kind of money"?
Well crap. It looks like the article is now pay per view. It basically says the ranchers fought the introduction of the elk. F&G negotiated permits with the ranchers they could sell to recoup the losses. Those permits have since expired.
The elk destroyed miles and miles of fences allowing cattle to roam free. Fast forward,,,,the F&G are now trying to fine the ranchers for cattle roaming on the property that THOSE ranchers sold to the state under the condition that the land be used for underprivileged and apprenticeship hunters. F&G then turned around and claimed the land was "too fragile" for public use. I enjoy seeing the elk. The ranchers do not.
Something else. The elk down around San Luis are a different herd than the herd further north where we are. "County Line Road" mostly private runs from Bell Station on 152 all the way to the San Antonio Valley where we are. Henry Coe park is in-between which is open to hiking only.
It's great to give back to the sport! Hopefully the kid embraces hunting safety and ethics and represents us well.

I never understood how CDFG could call pigs invasive species, declare they want to eliminate them, but then turn around and require a hunting license plus an actual tag to shoot a pig. Apparently they aren't very serious about getting rid of them.

Not only that but require you to buy FIVE tags at once 🙄 and don’t forget, they’re no longer Fish & Game, it’s Fish & Wildlife as they’re trying to eliminate the hunting aspect of things!

….or as my buddy calls them Flush & Wipe
Especially live targets that taste good!
I shot a lot of hogs in Florida years ago with a bow, 22lr, 22mag, 22 hornet, 256 win, 243 and fired the grinder up when the coolers were full of meat and the sausage was awesome mostly targeted 100lb sows and small boar hogs.
Great stories like this never get old. We need more young people to do this—-with good people like you teaching them. There is hope!
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