Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

New Mexico Archery Pronghorn - 2009

The "guide" you ran into must have put up that welcome sighn:D

that buck looks to have potential, good luck.
IB,looks like there are some black cows in the back ground of some of your antelope pictures.I bet Big Fin is itching to get old Bessy and Belle out for some action.Good luck guys.
Done with the evening of scouting. Holy Smokes. I found a buck with possibly more mass than the buck I shot last year. But, he has no prongs. He just has two big black posts coming out the top of his head and curving back over his ears. I am calling him BWOP, or Bee-wop. BWOP stands for Buck without Prongs.

He won't score worth a darn, not having prongs, but he will be the coolest buck I have ever shot, if I can put my tag on him. He is way out in the middle of a sage flat. Too far to get pics.

Bugler will post the pics he has taken, which are some good ones. We have found a buck with huge prongs, mass, and height, and a buddy running with him that looks like a slightly smaller version of him. I told Bugler I am not shooting, until he puts one of those bucks on the ground. I don't think it is a stretch to say the biggest buck is in the high 80's.

Lots of other hunters driving around, but they don't have the secret weapons, so hopefully they will not mess with our plans.

Camp being set up this afternoon

Me posting this thread.

We will try to get close enough for some photos of these bucks tomorrow, and with lots of luck, will have photos with them in our hands. It is so exciting to be hunting when you know there are B&C bucks running around, and you have a tag, even if it is an archery tag.
We are having a blast. Lots of antelope and lots of people. Hopefully we will more pics to show tomorrow. Updates tomorrow for now you will just have to look at these little guys.


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thanks for taking the time ot keep us updated. next best thing to being there! still 20 days till my first hunt.
I'm leaving Bugler at home next time. Supposedly this guy was too small to shoot, so he took out the camera and just took a bunch of pics. I gave him first dubs at shooting but after this, I am drawing when the time comes. For passing on this one, he offered to take Spitz and I to town for burgers and a milk shake.

When he told me he set his standards high for this hunt, he wasn't kidding. Not sure if we will find anything big enough for his tag. Sheesh.


The hunting was pretty slow this morning. Every time we made a move on a herd they would booger for some reason or other. There were a lot of people driving around which put them on edge. There was some good that came out of this morning. While hiking back along a fence line we found a pretty good crossing.


The fence line was about a mile from the truck. From the time it took us to get back we looked back as a monster buck with 5 does went right under the spot we had seen the crossing. Our plan is to setup a blind and put a trail camera out to see if they will cross with that big old blind near by.

Here are a couple pics of the crew.

The famous spitz helping us find the big one.

Randy chose to pass on this one.
The ipotome of experience. 3 dudes, 1 wearing gloves. Been there, done that. Next hunt, 3 dudes wearing gloves. Just a guess. Looks like a great time!!!!!!
rule #1: never judge an animal from behind
antelope rule #1: prongs above ears & the more the merrier
antelope rule #2: prongs need to be long
antelope rule #3: mass, mass, mass

could these be the IB's rules of engagement???? I think so----Big Fin get ready to hunt your arse off and shake your head----

thems some great pics---good luck and have fun........chris
Great afternoon. Got within a couple hundred yards of BWOP and spent most of the afternoon chasing him. Sheik Adnon El Spitzer was chief packer.


And on the way out this evening, the camera guy had a real close encounter with this noisy bugger.


All in all, a great day. Chasing really cool bucks, even if there were a lot of guys chasing them also. Have learned a lot about their patterns, and in a few days, expect we can learn enough to close the deal on one.

Bugler is already sleeping, so his post will have to come tomorrow.

Wore out and tired, so I apologize for not posting more. Tomorrow is the day. I hope.
There are sure some nice bucks thire. I hope the two of you guys can close the deal on some nice bucks. Keep one eye open for those dang snaks dont want to see any of you guys get bit. It would sure ruin a good lope hunt. Tell IB dads watching and good luck
Sorry for the late updates, I was bushed and ready for bed, I figured everyone could wait until this afternoon. Anyway we had a great opening day. Lots of antelope seen and some fun stalks on a buck Fin realloy wants (BWOP). We spent most of the evening setting up a couple of blinds on the crossing we had found earlier. I think it will work but we will need a southern wind to be able to use it. Camera guy isn't liking the fact he is limited on getting much video but said he will make it work.

Here is a pic of some sheds we found. We have found about 10 sheds so far this trip. This is a great shed hunting area. :)

Here's a pic of the guys heading to the fence crossing area.
Man it's green there. I talked with the Biologist about my unit and area, and he said a worst drought than last year. He said a few weeds are starting to grow on the assignment I got. Kind of a let down to hear that
Today we had a great morning. We had to do some filming duties early so we were a little late getting out the door, That was ok since we had planned to drive and find some smaller herds to stalk instead of sitting out in the middle of nowhere and hope they would come by. The first area we went, looked very promising as we were in a little better terain to stalk them in. We did see goats but also found another blind and decided to back out so we wouldn't screw up his plans.

We headed back down the road and not 5 miles from where we just were we found BWOP. Unfortunetly he was heading towards a blind by a water hole. We snapped some pics before we left hoping that BWOP got away.

Fin loves this buck because of his uniqueness.

Not far down the road we ran into another buck that I had my eye on since the scouting day. It is the one I had shown a picture of already. He had the big mass with his right horn a little stronger than his left. It didn't take long for him to figure stuff out and he was gone before we even thought of a plan.

Not to worry though we found another big goat not to far away. We devised a plan to get close and headed his way. We closed the distance to 200 yards rather quickly but could tell that from there on we needed to go lighter. So I headed out in front with the camera guy in hot pursuit. We made the first little rise with no problem and were now 120 yards out with him in plain site. We slowly inched forward as the camera kept rolling. after 15 minutes we were now within 70 yards. We had a very flacky wind which was blowing just slightly to his right. We 5 yards closer and found our lck had ran out. He had spotted something and now was staring holes through us. I was able to slide another few yards forward and nocked an arrow.

He stood around starring at us for about 5 minutes and was shortly joined by a smaller buddy. Then they bolted off heading to our right and stopped at 100+ yards. Just like a typical curious antelope they started walking our way and got within 70 yards and bolted again. This went on for 10 minutes with the little one as close as 50 yards but the big one holding back another 60 withand no real good shot. They finally had enough and took off. But not after we took some great footage of them.

We met up with fin and he just couldn't believe we were able to get that close with the camera guy in tow. Close but no cigars.

The rest of the morning was spent looking at some more nice goats but no stalks were attempted. Came back to camp had lunch and took a nap. Fin is still getting his beauty sleep as you all now he really needs it. :)

Right now we will head out and check the game camera we had set at the fence crossing to see if any goats had been through. This evening should be good as we are heading back to the same area that we encountered those close lopes. Spitz will head home, we are very thankful he was able to make it out to help us out. He is definitely a top notch guy. Drvie safe buddy.

More tonight........

Another nice goat.
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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