New Mexico Archery Pronghorn - 2009

The morning after the big miss.......

We arrived early again and when it was light enough to see we couldn't even spot an antelope. After about an hour of nothing we finally spotted a nice group of lopes to the east, The skirted us at a comfortable 300 yards and headed west. Another hour goes by and a group of 3 bucks come in and one is a good one. They come almost all the way in and bed down 75 yards in front of the blind. After 30 minutes of laying there I noticed the big group from the west had decided to come in to water. Now we had a huge group of antelope around us which hasn't turned out well for us with all those eyes and noses around. So the buck I want gets up and comes to 50 yards. We see him flinch and look down on the ground where Randy's buck had bleed out. He instantly went on edge and started walking to the other group of antelope. He closed the gap to 40 yards but now was on the left side of the tank where I couldn't get a shot out of the hole I had opened. The camera guy was saying shoot, shoot I'm on him. I tried opening another window but with all the eyes around they knew something was up and left again without watering. I was devastated... Another freakin mishap.


The camera guy and I are bumming big time. We just can't catch a break. But wait look out in front of us. Another group of 3 bucks coming in and one we called Johnny Bling. They are heading right for us. Finally this is going to happen. NOPE the sons o biotches stay out in front of us and loop around the blind at 65 yards. UNBELIEVABLE!!! WE freakin give up. We call Randy and we go and do our camera duties of interviews, scenic shots, etc.... I am now feeling the heat....
After all the filming duties are finished we contemplate our next move. We go and glass over the area our blind is sitting. No antelope in sight. We end up driving the small area we have decided to hunt to see if there are any antelope worth stalking. Sure enough we spot a nice buck about 200 yards out. I look at Randy and decide let's go for it. We make our move and get within 100 yards very quickly. He decides he better stay and let me continue the stalk from here. The 2 bucks and one fawn are now 120 yards out walking straight away. We have absolutely no cover between us. I decide to move quickly and just hustle to gain some yardage. It works great now I'm 80 yards out. They stop and look back staring intently and something following them. I stay still and amazingly they keep feeding I shuffle forward and now I'm within 60 yards. I start my draw and the buck who was quartering away is now walking away. I let down and continue my stalk. I close within 49 yards and wait patiently for a shot. The buck I want stops at 61 yards and turns broadside, Looks up at me then starts feeding again. I aim, shoot and he takes off like a shot. Moments later my NM antelope is on the ground and I can't help but give out a war . I am pumped!!!!

Again thanks guys for all the encouragement. It was a fun hunt and I hope to do it again real soon.

LV2HUNT - I didn't aim low on this buck because he was in a relaxed stat. When blind hunting most lopes are on edge and I would rather shoot at a relaxed antelope at 60 yards then a tensed lope at 20.

A couple of goats in the adjacent unit.

I really enjoyed your stories. I only checked twice daily, but it was excititng. Amazed that both of could still post your stories after such exhausting hunts.

Done good!
congrats to both of you.
Reading this has gotten me excited about the Montana season, first time chasing speed goats since I was 15.
Sorry I haven't posted for a day. I have a good excuse, really.

We got up at 6:30 and started with more filming to wrap up the needed scenes for the show. Broke camp and were on the road by 1:30.

I drove straight through to Pocatello, arriving at 4:00 am and dropped Bugler off at his truck. He now has a 3.5 hour drive. Glad he was able to rest on the way here.

I am hitting the sack now. Will try to muster some thoughts to post tomorrow, but might be out of antelope comments.

Thanks for following along guys. We plan to try do this with each episode we film this year. If we have connection to the web, that is.
Big congrats Bugler!! That's a dandy buck and one heck of a hunt, thanks to you and Fin for sharing.
Awesome way to document a hunt! Still wish I had a cable provider that let me see the shows.
Awesome post, some great goats, and some wonderful pics. Really dig the one with the bloody arrow in the quiver.

Thanks for sharing this hunt with us and can't wait to see it on the big screen!
Great updates Randy but I just got one thing to say.Man if you gonna wear shorts get some sun on those legs!
I watch this hunt last night...and enjoyed it. ;)

I did not read through the 10 pages on this what happened with the atv riders who were herding those pronghorn?

After paying attention to the "title" of this thread...I did not watch this show.

I watched a rifle hunt with you and your friend,uncle?
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Looking forward to this hunt. Seeing how my archery antelope hunt begins in 26 days I'm excited to see this one!
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