PEAX Equipment

New Member from Florida


New member
Jul 28, 2017
Northwest Florida
Hey y'all,

Just got signed up here, quick backstory. Name is Eddie, mid 30s, from Northwest Florida, have hunted whitetails in Alabama and Florida since I was a kid. Have been visiting Montana (Livingston) off an on for the last 10 or 12 years, mostly for fishing with the wife (she doesn't hunt), but have done one muley hunt with an outfitter.

Anyway, I'm starting preliminary research for coming back out west for a hunting trip next fall. Have two or three local buddies that are interested as well, of course none of us have any points yet. We are primarily looking into Montana, Wyoming and Colorado, and are leaning towards a backpack elk hunt, though deer and antelope are on the table as well. At this point, we certainly don't care about a trophy, we just want to hang out with good friends in the wilderness and see some animals.

I'm sure I'lll be asking lots of questions as we continue developing a plan, and especially once we actually get close to decision time. Just from browsing the forum, it looks like there is no better place for info.

If anyone has any tips that will help us figure out these early stages, I'm all ears. Look forward to interacting with y'all!

There's a few of us from NW Florida on here.

There's actually a get together thread on here:
I bet if we all met up we could definitely have some good talks about putting together hunts and previous experience stories from guys who have done it.

I just came from New Mexico and work in Florida, but I still hunt the West every year. It's possible and definitely helps cutting down on costs when you get a few people on board. I definitely think you came to the right place.
Awesome! I checked out that thread, that weekend is the last weekend of the Alabama whitetail season, and close to the peak rut where we hunt, so doubt I can make it work. Will definitely keep an eye on it as it gets closer though.

There's a few of us from NW Florida on here.

There's actually a get together thread on here:
I bet if we all met up we could definitely have some good talks about putting together hunts and previous experience stories from guys who have done it.

I just came from New Mexico and work in Florida, but I still hunt the West every year. It's possible and definitely helps cutting down on costs when you get a few people on board. I definitely think you came to the right place.
I'm sure we can set up other get togethers too.
Even if it was just to discuss future western plans, swap hunting stories, and just shoot the poop!
Welcome! I'm all the way down in South Florida (Ft. Lauderdale) so I don't think I'll be making that meet up either, lol. Although one of these days I'd like to make my way up to NW Florida and hit some of the WMA's up there. Everything within 3 hours of me is tough hunting with little game . . .
I did see that, I figured I/we would go ahead and buy a point for elk, deer and pronghorn, even though we are just planning on hunting elk in 2018. Unless there is a reason to try and get a tag for any other animal? We will likely only have a week to hunt, so I would assume it would be best to just focus on elk, especially since it will be our first hunt.

We are thinking we will first apply for elk in Wyoming (LE or general?), if unsuccessful, we will then take a shot at New Mexico (which we probably won't get, but you never know). If neither of those work out, we will just do OTC elk tags in Colorado. Either way, we are going to hunt elk next year.

Welcome aboard and you still have time to buy points in WY this year