New Hunting Shows on the Outdoor and Sportsman's channels


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2011
Anyone hear about any new shows coming up this season. Anything to get excited or not excited about? Just wondering what the word is. I have been a little out of the loop. Also as far as new episodes of OYOA anyone got any up to date info?
........ Also as far as new episodes of OYOA anyone got any up to date info?

Our new episodes premier in Quarters 3 and 4. The new stuff will start in late June/early July. And, it will be NEW. Lots of new ideas being added to our self-guided public land message in the episodes that will premier this year.
OO show

Recorded the show last night and watched it so I could take a good look. I think this show was alright, had some things left to be desired. I know it was a western mule deer hunt in Nevada. However, I think the shot taking was questionable but I wasn't there so it could have been ok.. I felt there was too much talking about personal stuff and not enough about hunting and being out there. Interesting music choice for the show, which I thought the music was better than the show. Good luck to those guys since a lot of us probably wish we were doing this for a living. Congrats on the show and getting it out there I hope it does well in the future. I am in no way just trying to cause a problem, just posting an opinion.
I should be more clear and not generalize in the future.
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oo show

First I would like to congratulations to all involved with outbackoutdoors, The show was great. I really liked the ty between monster on your back and them hoisting a monster bull on there back...Love to see friends getting the job done and making there dreams of a show come true...Can't disagree more with the post from huntbux,guess he was watching a different ya son.Everyone else seemed to like it..GOOD LUCK WITH THE SHOW GUYS........................
I just watched 'The Edge' where they killed a Cadomin Ram. I liked it a lot, but the host made me want to dropkick a puppy.
Hardcore conditions and willpower. Tame sheep. ;)

Look at the last kill shot, is that a CG arrow? Might be the new low if it was...

I could think of worse ways to spend 20 days for sure, awesome footage.

Think Don Peay can get me a tag?
Look at the last kill shot, is that a CG arrow? Might be the new low if it was...

I could think of worse ways to spend 20 days for sure, awesome footage.

Think Don Peay can get me a tag?

I think the arrow was added digitally. I have seen a different kill shot on the same ram in a shorter vid on YT.
I would definitely like to see more shows in the DIY, public land arena! OYOA and Meat Eater have really been the only shows that I've found that do this and Randy and Steve do an awesome job with it. With that said, if there is room for 50 different shows about hunting on private ranches and whitetail hunts on private farms then there is certainly space in this market for a few more shows like OYOA! I really liked the Western Hunter premier episode. There is probably some work that needs to be done to improve it, but it is their first go around so that's to be expected. I'll have to give "Outback Outdoors" a look when I get a chance. I also like the videos that Cade has on his link for Hunt Forever West. OYOA and these kind of shows depict real hunting and there simply isn't enough of it on television!

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