New guy on Hunt Talk.

Lakotan Inmutanka

New member
Jun 1, 2017
Greetings fellow hunters,

I stumbled across this site when I was doing research for a Jarbridge Wilderness elk hunt in Nevada. I didn't realize this was Randy's forum. So first of all, hello Randy N.! I really like your shows, advise, wisdom and knowledge that you have provided as well as a strong ethical base and respect for hunting. I am grateful and appreciative. Knowledge is priceless and the wilderness is the school of hard knocks. So thank you for sharing with us.

I live in Nevada currently. I grew up in South Dakota where I started trapping at a young age, and did a good share of upland bird hunting, pheasants and white tail. I relocated to Colorado and was introduced Elk hunting and never turned back. With many of skunked trips, plenty trials errors and close calls, I'm still hooked. I moved to Nevada for work. I finally managed to score a cow tag in Nevada after becoming resident, so I hope you all are up for some questions from me. It looks like I'll be frequenting this site.

I am looking forward to being a part of this forum and hopefully sharing what I know as well as learning from you all.

Thank you.
Welcome! The forum began with Moosie back when was the World Wide Web and flip phones were all the rage. At some point Moosie looked around and said this is a lot of work providing a place for buddies to hang out and whine non-stop in the off-season. Randy stepped forward to invest in enhancing the forum so Moosie could start having even more fun. So....Randy found another way, beside filming hunts, to spend money and reduce his billable hours at his day job while his patient spouse scratches her head. She is a keeper. Do watch out when Randy is hunting as the spouse monitors this forum in his absence and she kicks butt and takes names if we get childish. I think is the best hunting forum going because childish stuff is kept to a minimum as is the political yapping over non-conservation topics.
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It's been a good long time since I've been elk hunting. I went out for my last trip in Colorado, 5 years ago. I left behind a rifle. Today I just got it back, and bought some decent cartridges for her arrival.

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