NEW SITKA Ambient 75

New guy looking for some NM elk units for 2021

I’m new here, this being my first attempt at a post. My wife and I are looking at NM for a 2021 elk hunt if we get lucky in the draw, and never being farther west than the mighty Mississippi I’m hoping to get some help from some guys here that knows what they are doing. We’ve hunted elk here in Ky so I know a little, very little about them. I’ve read a lot about Unit 52 being a good unit to see elk and that’s what we’re looking for right now is quantity not necessarily quality for a first hunt. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
thank you!
I hunted with New Mexico Hunting Addiction LLC. in unit 6c and it was phenomenal! Big Bulls!
A few things:

1. If you've read a lot about 52, so have many others. So, whatever the odds were last year, they'll be lower this year.

2. I wouldn't buy GoHunt just for NM draw odds. I don't think they're any better than comparing supply and demand for the sake of determining which unit/hunt gives a better chance at a tag than another unit/hunt. However, GoHunt does have info about each unit that could be very useful for someone travelling from out of state to a new unit.

3. People are going to be tight-lipped about their favorite unit(s) for fear others on the web will find the post and flood the unit.

4. There are a couple units that offer better odds, but understand that is because the potential of seeing a quality bull (or an elk at all) is much lower.
Go for it! I did not score in 51 this year, but was in the elk; late rut too! For “access” 51 is the way to go. You’ll know when you see it. 52 has wilderness so that’s less accessible. Drop camp through an outfitter is possible out here. If that’s in your budget, that would be a cush deal up in the beautiful Southern Rockies!
We are also thinking about applying for a muzzleloader hunt in 52, 51,
Both units 51 and 52 are good for Elk Activity. We have generally been able to hunt from a road accessible camping spot or just move in a mile or so then tent camp. In my hunts I have not seen the premium big bulls that you'll get like in the Caldera or the Gila, but some decent bulls and plenty of cows and calves.
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I drew 52 mobility muzzleloader hunt, have not hunted this unit before so any info that's not on would be appreciated!!
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I drew 52 mobility muzzleloader hunt, have not hunted this unit before so any info that's not on would be appreciated!!
I just looked at the regs and all 52 ML hunts will happen on those dates so could be as many as 220 hunters. You get the added bonus of being able to shoot out of a parked vehicle (off the road) and a buddy who carries the same weapon as you. Kiowa has a presence there and could increase your odds for a premium. I think there will be pressure off access points coming out of 285 and 64. If we take that as fact then maybe there’s a way to drop in from the CO side. Pull off at active water near bedding and there you have it.
I just looked at the regs and all 52 ML hunts will happen on those dates so could be as many as 220 hunters. You get the added bonus of being able to shoot out of a parked vehicle (off the road) and a buddy who carries the same weapon as you. Kiowa has a presence there and could increase your odds for a premium. I think there will be pressure off access points coming out of 285 and 64. If we take that as fact then maybe there’s a way to drop in from the CO side. Pull off at active water near bedding and there you have it.
52 is a big unit, and a number of hunters will be in and around Cruces Basin. Water is much better this year than when we hunted, so they will be a bit more scattered. My hunt was concentrated on Banco Julio, but I believe if you work your way in you'll do fine. I stink at calling, but guys we were with were calling them in at dusk. Depending on weather, etc, there will still be some rut activity during that ML hunt, so maybe.....
You should reach out to people by PM because every other guy who doesn’t know where to put in for or knows nothing about NM elk hunting will be following along and now your draw odds are much worse than when you first started asking.
You should reach out to people by PM because every other guy who doesn’t know where to put in for or knows nothing about NM elk hunting will be following along and now your draw odds are much worse than when you first started asking.
And just who the hell might this be? Have you reached out to these people over PM or contributed at all to this months’ long conversation? And the last guy was handicapped, you jackwagon, handicapped. Don’t scold us for giving him some basic info and broad areas to cover.
Where I come from it’s not called scolding it’s called common sense if you don’t want to decrease your already bad odds.

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