New from Utah (Currently)

Well folks,

That first mule deer hunt is gonna have to wait a bit longer. After looking at where the unit is and talking to my wife, I'm gonna have to return my permit. Our first child is due to be born about a week after the season starts and I'm just not gonna be that far away from her that close to the due date. Best of luck to everyone that gets to go this year!

I’m not sure what unit you drew or what season, but there are some leftover tags for a couple units. Since you already have a tag, you can trade that tag in for one of the leftovers (if the unit and weapon align better with the arrival of child #1). Either way, congrats on the new addition to the family!!
I’m not sure what unit you drew or what season, but there are some leftover tags for a couple units. Since you already have a tag, you can trade that tag in for one of the leftovers (if the unit and weapon align better with the arrival of child #1). Either way, congrats on the new addition to the family!!
I might look into that. I'm just a rifle hunter at this point so the season dates here in UT are right in that same couple of weeks where we'll be due so I'm not too confident anything will line up. Plus the only units close enough to home are mostly private land up here by Salt Lake and the public on them are usually swarmed. I'm perfectly happy to spend my summer fly-fishing instead of scouting for deer if that's the case. Thanks!
Welcome! I’m in Utah too. The limited tags and increased hunting pressure has made mule deer hunting tough depending on the unit. Get out and put some good work in and it’ll pay off. Best of luck to ya!
Spent my childhood in AZ & MT. Moved to TN at 10 and did a lot of duck hunting and bass fishing as a teenager. Moved to Utah after college and have been hunting small game and learning to fly fish. Just drew my first western muley tag and figured I'd better get on here and see what I could learn.
Welcome from Texas!
Drum-Smith turn your permit in quick. Utah won't let you return 30 days prior to the season opener.