Caribou Gear

Nevada Trip Part II


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2007
Here is a link to Part I

This time I was on a solo trip, the boy decided the first weekend back at college and the first football game of the season were more important.:eek:

First thing to do was see if my game camera was still mine. It is!!!! When I got to it, it had been turned sideways but still attached couldn't really figure that out, but decided it didn't matter. When I got back to look at the pictures, it became clear what happened. I had about 685 picture on the camera, with about 600 of those being of beef cows. From the pictures, it seems like they enjoyed rubbing and licking the camera. Of the few that were actually what I was looking for, I have loaded them below for your pleasure.

Here is a pretty little bunny that wanted it's picture taken.

This guy is looking for the photogenic bunny.

Then we had some moms come in for a drink.

And then they decided it was bath time, too.

Another picture of the cows and calves

And finally the only male version of the species I had on the camera, and that sample was defective.

I have some pictures that I took during the trip, but will put in next post.
During the middle of the day, I was just riding roads, learning the area, looking at places I had found on google earth, etc. and here are a few of the pictures I took.

I just thought this one was cool looking.



Saw a quite a few antelope and a couple of decent ones, but the pictures didn't turn out that way, so none of them.

Did happen up on these two guys. About 250 - 300 yards from the road at 4:00 in the afternoon. Not sure what they were thinking, but am pretty sure what I would have been doing if it would have been slightly over 2 months later.

Awesome pics. Looks like you had a good time. Good luck on your hunt. Why did you take your cat with you?? During the first week of archery season I watched a mountain lion put a stalk on a doe and two fawns. My buddy from Denver was pretty shocked to see it. First in his 54 years.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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