Need Some Info with Moosie in Alaska

Mrs. Moosie

New member
Oct 29, 2001
Boise, Idaho
I just had less than a minute phone conversation with Oscar via a Satelight phone. It appears they are still stuck out on the boat with bad weather. The planes are not able to come and get them, or they are stuck in line behind the other 100's of hunters out there too waiting to be picked up.

Normally I don't ask for advice, but I need someone to tell me what the weather is like up there, and what it is going to be. I know someone lives there on Kodiak island but I don't know their name, he picked them up from the airport and drove them around. I could tell he was trying to give me a bunch of information but he kept cutting out and all I could get out of it was bad news, bad weather, still on the boat.

If anyone has any info please let me know.

From a prior conversation it sounds like they've done some duck hunting, fishing, got a couple of deer, and at least Oscar got a fox? I'm sure when they get back they'll have a huge story.

Thanks for your help if you can give it.

-Mrs. Moosie
The fellow he was talking to on here goes by the handle "TBinKodiak". You might try PM'ing him.

I know the boat they are on is supposed to be in Olga Bay. I imagine the closest weather report you can get is for Kodiak, though. I just checked Kodiak's weather, and it looks like the problem is likely the wind. We were up there three weeks ago and couldn't fly out for two days because of the wind, even though we had bluebird skies.

Olga Bay is sheltered enough that they are in no danger on the boat. It will just be a waiting game until the plane can get out there.
Looks like the wind wil be dying down in the next day or 2 with nice clear skies, atleast in kodiak that is.

They will be fine, I've had my hunting trip "extended" many times due to weather. when that happens the flying service pulls out the most "critical" parties first. Since oscar is on a boat and well protected and probably well fed, hes more than safe.
I called Mrs. Moosie and gave her TBinKodiak's phone number (I did a bit of internet sleuthing :D ) so she can hopefully get in contact with him. I bet the moose man wishes he would have gotten a satellite phone now....

At least they are alive and well........
We're Alive.... Just Flew (Or was Blown in) to Kodiak..... 2 days behind schedule but a Helova Good time. We're Standby on several flights but hopefully mid morning back in the Warm land :)

Bears ? YAH, 23 different ones.... Only had to "Kung FU" one ;)

Deer ? Hell yah they hit the Ground ?

Ducks ? 1 day out only but Bufflehead, Haliquin....

Fish ? Couple

COLD, WINDY...... 100% 24-7 !!!!

TBinKodiak is in the lower 48 unfortunately, but thanx for the help boyz !!!
My guess is he was using the extra time to shuck the others out of their hard earned cash in a couple of poker games. :D
Welcome back to civilization. Looking forward to the details.
I'm guessing I'll get in the First Story. I.B. is leaving tomorrow for a T-day dinner in Eastern ID and then to Montana for a Whitey. I shall have pics and Stories up Friday probbly mid day(ish).......

I'm still deciding the "SPIN" to this story ;) Unfortunately, for Every Funny Angle I have... I remember Seeing a Picture on I.B,'s camera that will Trump mine ;) It's like the 8 Mile Eminem Movie we watched on our trip, In a "battle" being "rapping" or "Adventures with" (Which you've come to love) you need to hold some cards back, and play some first. Just remember, I tell the Truth and IB lies alot...... :)

I do have to say I'm greatfull I.B brought extra Undies, I never knew he could leap 10' with 4 quarters on his back because I yell "BEAR" !!! I guess he was lighter after He dropped a load in his pants ..... ;)

As far as the Wind, I'm not sure what 65 Knots is, but it's enough to make you walk at a 60 degree angle trying to walk foward. Some days were better then others.

The -17 Deg (Thats 17 under 0 which is 49 degrees below freezing) weather puts a Toll on your body too. At least on a guy like me that always looses his Gloves... socks... knives..... pants.... hats..... Hell it will all come out I'm sure anyways *snicker*

As far as the Poker games, Nobody would play for "coin". and someone went "ALL IN" every hand..... (Same guy that had to change his drawers often) :p

Untill Friday, or the need to defend myself, Thats the story for now............
Are you sure you aren't a woman Moosie?? All your c**k teasing with the stories has turned by mouse's balls blue!
I don't believe that midday friday claim, do you? Family, editing, downloading, unpacking, etc. No Way it will be friday midday ish, to much to do, like enjoy turkey dinner!
Moosie said:
I'm guessing I'll get in the First Story. I.B. is leaving tomorrow for a T-day dinner in Eastern ID and then to Montana for a Whitey. I shall have pics and Stories up Friday probbly mid day(ish).......

I'm still deciding the "SPIN" to this story ;) Unfortunately, for Every Funny Angle I have... I remember Seeing a Picture on I.B,'s camera that will Trump mine ;) It's like the 8 Mile Eminem Movie we watched on our trip, In a "battle" being "rapping" or "Adventures with" (Which you've come to love) you need to hold some cards back, and play some first. Just remember, I tell the Truth and IB lies alot...... :)

I do have to say I'm greatfull I.B brought extra Undies, I never knew he could leap 10' with 4 quarters on his back because I yell "BEAR" !!! I guess he was lighter after He dropped a load in his pants ..... ;)

As far as the Wind, I'm not sure what 65 Knots is, but it's enough to make you walk at a 60 degree angle trying to walk foward. Some days were better then others.

The -17 Deg (Thats 17 under 0 which is 49 degrees below freezing) weather puts a Toll on your body too. At least on a guy like me that always looses his Gloves... socks... knives..... pants.... hats..... Hell it will all come out I'm sure anyways *snicker*

As far as the Poker games, Nobody would play for "coin". and someone went "ALL IN" every hand..... (Same guy that had to change his drawers often) :p

Untill Friday, or the need to defend myself, Thats the story for now............
It's true, no time for stories for a few days from me. But I do notice a few holes in the moose-mans stories. :rolleyes: All in all a great hunt with a good bunch of guys. We did a lot of killing but just not with my weapon of choice.

Moosie said:
I do have to say I'm greatfull I.B brought extra Undies, I never knew he could leap 10' with 4 quarters on his back because I yell "BEAR" !!! I guess he was lighter after He dropped a load in his pants ..... ;)
Yell Bear???????? What are you talking about? You were screaming like like like I guess you were screaming like you did the night before. hump But through the screams when Bear came out of his mouth I did do mach 1 through the alders. We kind of didn't joke around much with the bears as they were everywhere and seemed to careless if you were human or not. Here is a pic of the little feller 60 yards away. We ended up walking up to him and then around him. The closest we got was about 40 yards.

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