Nebraska Pronghorn


Active member
Jul 31, 2015
Has anyone done a Archery hunt in Nebraska? I think I am going to give this a shot this year. I have one guy that is going to point me into a direction.
It looks like I am going to give this one a shot because none of my tags came in.

I am planning on going September 10 through September 16. I cant leave on Sept 9 because of a work functions so I will leave early Saturday morning. This is most likely a solo trip but I may include a buddy if he wants to go.

So far I am thinking of setting up base some where in Crawford. I haven't decided if I will hotel it or camp, hell I may just sleep in my truck. I like the Crawford area from e scouting based on there seems to be a lot of public ground in short drive.

This area is about as far as you can get so I would be up for something closer but I don't mind an extra few hours if that gives me a chance at more success. They don't have success rates on archery but I did a little digging on gun success rates and I eliminated anything less than 70%.

That is my start for now.
I used to do a lot of hunting in the Pine Ridge area. Haven't hunted down there since the early 2000's. I would guess there are a few landowners who would allow access to some irrigated land to perhaps get the antelope off, that used to be the case anyways. I remember quite a few west of Toadstool park, a lot of public land out that way, but still quite a few acres of private. Over by Harrison it was always harder for permission, but, not on heard of. Good Luck!
I bowhunted there a few years ago. Never had any trouble finding goats but it was tough getting close. Public area is short pasture with gentle rolling hills and some badlands.

I came away empty handed but had fun in the process. Check out Fort Robinson SP. They have a campground and lots of cool history to explore.
I detoured threw that area and couple years ago on my way back from wyoming. Seen a fair amount of goats up around toad stool park area on down to the Crawford area. There were even a couple next to the state park.
I know going after pronghorns for my first archery hunt is a pretty tall task but.....

I am not after the biggest buck in the world. The first one that is legal is going to get shot.

I don't have a problem knocking on doors for permission. I tend to do well my buddy said it is because I look like a farm boy.

I am a whitetail hunter so I don't have a problem sitting over a water hole if I can find one for long periods of time.

I am thinking about bringing a decoy. From a pointer I got from another member I may be a little early for it but at least I am before the muzzy season so I don't have to worry about getting shot at. I am not sure if there is a lot of cattle in that area but I am thinking about getting a cow and a lope decoy. Either way I will have a hell of a lot of fun trying.

I start shooting my bow in July. I am going to switch back to a lighter arrow and a mechanical to help with range a touch. I am very hesitant to shoot at a whitetail over 30 yards because of the reaction. Do pronghorns react like whitetails when shot at with a bow?
This is prime cattle country. I would get familiar with the area and the people that live there.
This is prime cattle country. I would get familiar with the area and the people that live there.

I figured as much but do they let cattle on public ground? If not would a cow decoy still work? Do the Cow decoys work anyway? My buddy has one but we only used it to sneak honkers on farm ponds.