Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Naming bears.... (Pics to Follow)

So.. We have 4 of our Bears Named. We have them Pictured and Video's of them. Heck 3 of them came in tonight

I had a 2nd Wack at B.B. but wasn't sure it was Her. It was the One my DAD had a shot at but didn't hit it good. I'm fairly sure it's a "SHE" and had it Less then 20 Yards of my stand tonight. Stood there for several Min's just farting around. She Wasn't limping not giving any signs of hurt so I wasn't sure it was the Same one. I wasn't sure it was the Same bear till it walked away and At the Last Min it turned and we seen (Well Wylee did) the Distinct spot on it's Hind leg :( :( I could have Dumped it 20 times Over and Even Arrowed it.... I had the Rifle in the Stand too. When It busted Out I bailed out of the Stand and Had the Bead on it just as it was on the Other side of the Canyon starting it's "RUN". I didn't want to make a Bad shot so Left it for NEXT time, I know what it looks like Up close now, It's only a medium bear but nice and the Hide is Perfect !!

Anyways, her name is B.B.

We also Had Carlos Come in tonight, He's (And definately a "HE" with his Little Nut Sack and PEE-PEE showing off at every turn)
He's or Mexican Hairless bear. I've never see such a Cleanly shaven bear. Almost like someone Caught it, Shaved it, then let it go ~~~~ Pictures and Video in the Morning of this little guy. We have some From the TRAIL cam We haven't posted and Pictures and Video from tonight.

Then there is PATCH. It's the BOO BOO Ugly that was in the Other night. With the Patch of hair missing .. Hence the Name.

Then there is RunWay It's Going to Be Gunners bear ... He just doesn't know it yet ;) It's a Great coated smaller/Medium bear. Has 2 light brown streaks (Like a RunWay) down it's Back.

Pictures of Carlos tomorrow, and You guys know the Other bears.....

I think we have a Couple others coming in but only Off and ON, It's hard to Name them all untill they are Videoed and Looked at very good. This is the First year I've only run ONE bait site. It's alot more "PERSONABLE" like this ;)
I got to see two maybe three bears (one might have been the same one twice) tonight. Ooooh (rubs hands together gleefully) this is getting fun.

Plus the post game commentary from Wylee and Moosie was a hoot!

Tune in for all insane talk radio - all the time - KDAM presents the evening Moosie and Wylee show!
Well since Moosie is slackin' i'll at least post one pic I got. Here is a twoshot of Moosie and the one they call Carlos (the mexican hairless bear)
I bet that poor bear freezed his arse off. That is too funny. At least nobody's going to shoot him for a rug.
The funny thing is it took him about 40 Mins to Finally Steal that Beagle. He took off about 15 yards in the Brush and ate it. When he came in again he was in for good !!! I started Moving my hand... then My Arms... He's about 8 Yards from me grant you. I'm about 15 Feet in the Tree and It's Directy in front of me (Picture me in a Tree on the Steep side of the Mountain looking at the Mountain side so We're at the same level)...

By the end I was Putting my hand under my arm making Fart noises and I shook my BONBON at him... I don't know why Mojave wasn't videotaping it but Wylee about fell out of HIS stand I know

I was Preping him for the Next few years to know me so I can shoot him :D
Man who the heck was manning the camera? It's all shakey, there are no Moosie shaking his rump at the bear shots - I say we fire em'!!!

Oh wait...

By the way, you should have heard Fellini there, lining up all the potential shots in advance, telling me the angles to get, what to get in frame. :rolleyes:

Lordy, who does he think he's working with exactly, someone who sees bears all the time and isn't going to get all excited and forget all the instructions? :D
Hell... I'm not a Spielburg but Even with the Shots I told you to Get you Botched it ;) Like my Boy Donald says YOU"RE FIRED !!! :D

I like the Picture of Me and Carlos in the Same Frame though, Thanx !!

You can't fire me, I'm older than you and can still bonk you on the head. Well of course now you would have to lean down some. :D
Besides, what the heck am I gonna do with all this oversized, clearance rack Camo?


I'm being the cat, BTW :D ;) See me baring my teeth and claws? Ya gotta ask Wylee 'bout that one.
LOL You guy's...That poor bear looks like it has mange or some thing, thanks for the pics...
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