NEW SITKA Ambient 75

My wife is funny

I‘ve heard way too many horror stories about this procedure to go through with it. No thank you.

One of my closest friends says how he wanted to murder everyone that was in the room when he got his second one snipped.

My better Half got her tubes snipped when we had our second son last year. Figured they were in there for the c-section so might as well kill two birds with one stone.
Please God, let the Super Bowl start and make sure it is a well played, well officiated, close and exciting game, so as to give the boys ( no pun intended or pun intended, not sure ) something else to talk about (-:

Harley I dont know how to add the praying hands thing, can you do that for me ?
Please God, let the Super Bowl start and make sure it is a well played, well officiated, close and exciting game, so as to give the boys ( no pun intended or pun intended, not sure ) something else to talk about (-:

Harley I dont know how to add the praying hands thing, can you do that for me ?

or if a .gif is more your style
I've SEEN alot of dumb chit.
Nail guns are a sketchy tool in the wrong hands.
...but nailing your nut sack is new to me. Tough rescue there, top of the world. That guy probably needed to relocate after the incident. 😂
Damn. Glad framing is mostly behind me. I've seen other body parts nailed to stuff, never that. I did once however see a guy bury a skilsaw with a pinned guard in that region. mtmuley
Damn. Glad framing is mostly behind me. I've seen other body parts nailed to stuff, never that. I did once however see a guy bury a skilsaw with a pinned guard in that region. mtmuley
I knew a guy that did that to his knee cap. They are called guards for a reason.
I used a 7 and 1/4 saw with no guard at all and an 8 inch blade for a long time. Dumb. mtmuley
Please God, let the Super Bowl start and make sure it is a well played, well officiated, close and exciting game, so as to give the boys ( no pun intended or pun intended, not sure ) something else to talk about (-:

Harley I dont know how to add the praying hands thing, can you do that for me ?

I'm still hung up (no pun/yes pun) on that top plate image April.
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I used a 7 and 1/4 saw with no guard at all and an 8 inch blade for a long time. Dumb. mtmuley
Sometimes you got no choice.
Requires total awareness.

So far so good. Everything intact, all digits in place. Generally dont talk about such hazards...a bit superstitious.
Got mine in Sept. Divorced, back in the saddle, no way I'm having another kid. Anyways, they do the right one, no problem, switch over to the left, novocaine didnt take hold. Dr cut something, and holy mother of God, I almost shot through the ceiling. It's a unique pain, but one I would suffer 1000 times vs having a kid at 45 years old
I swear 99% of the vasectomy horror stories are urban legend. It’s an out patient procedure for a reason and although it’s not comfortable, I didn’t think it was any worse than getting my wisdom teeth out. And one day of discomfort is chump change vs an unwanted alternative.
Agreed. Other than 1 painful slice, no biggie.
Yep, it was painless for the most part. Just make sure you clear the pipes like the Dr. says before you get back in the saddle so there are no "accidents". :oops:
Best $50 co=pay I ever spent. Had the "no needle, no scapel" procedure on a Weds, was at work Thursday and back in the gym on Monday. It wasn't that bad (although I did play it up for some sympathy).

And yes, make sure all the club fighters are cleared out before thinking that commitment to pleasure has taken hold.
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