Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

My old girl is on her way out

My sweet fur-baby is 15 years plus... a mini schnauzer... fiercely loyal to our family and full of love. She's slowing down, not doing well on eating, and getting thinner month over month. She's developed plenty of ... challenges... but nothing that I would put her down for. Whizzing at odd times, barking at nothing, and generally just being old and weird. I get the feeling she's close to being done with her time here but I'm not ready.

Talk me down folks. Tell me how to process this. I'm struggling.
This isn't easy at all. We love our furry babies so much. We have to make it easy on them. I look at it as what would I want. I have had them pass in their sleep and die at the vets office. My short-haired died in my arms almost. It's heartbreaking no matter what happens.
So damn sorry to hear this. Dogs bring us many of our best and worst days. Sending supportive vibes to your family.
Sorry to hear this. My first dog as an adult was a golden retriever. My wife and I got him before we had kids. He and I did everything together. Man I loved that dog. One winter when he was 14 he was having trouble with steps, got incontinent and I could just tell he wasn't living his way anymore. I could see it in his face when he looked at me. I made a very tough decision to let him go. Once he had the shot he looked up at me and let out the biggest sigh. I know that was just him dying but I felt like it was also relief. I still miss him 16 years later. Good luck today. You are doing the right thing.
Got to enjoy them while they're with us. One of my cats was attacked/killed yesterday by a neighbour's dog when it ran away. Last thing I expected to do when I got home from work was to retreive my eviscerated cat and break that very shitty news to my kids. It f*cking sucks, I've always said that I wasn't a "cat guy", well it turns out I am...
Got to enjoy them while they're with us. One of my cats was attacked/killed yesterday by a neighbour's dog when it ran away. Last thing I expected to do when I got home from work was to retreive my eviscerated cat and break that very shitty news to my kids. It f*cking sucks, I've always said that I wasn't a "cat guy", well it turns out I am...
Sorry to hear that man.
So sorry for you and your family. We have been through it before and will again. Never gets easier but it's worth it to have them in our lives. Prayers sent.
We can tell who the asshole is now. Hope
Daisy has taken a turn for the worse. We’re having at home vet come today to give her final relief from her pain.

Prayers appreciated. I’m a complete mess.

🙏🏻 😭
My lab died in my lap. My last wire hair died in my lap. It sucks. Time heals, praying for you man.
It’s tough, man. Like Ben mentioned, I think the time will come where you’ll know. Whether you just come to terms with it, or the pet gets worse and the compassionate family member side of you takes over to give them some peace and freedom from the pain. Bad thing is, it doesn’t get easier with age, or with the next pet. Hope you find some solace in the days and weeks ahead.
Our Daisy girl went out with dignity and grace in our home yesterday afternoon. The at-home vet actually handled it on our bed where she's been a fixture for the last 15 years. She even brought some daisies to place on the bed she used to carry her out in. If you live in PDX Metro area of Oregon I can't say enough great things about Compassionate Care.

We're missing her terribly. Everything in our home reminds us of her. But, I'm glad for her the pain is gone. Goodbye Daisy girl. We love you. We will NEVER forget you.

So sorry. I’ve lost several of my best friends over the years. Don’t think I’ve ever been so sad. To have built that deep affection, you had to have treated him well during his life. You’ll always have that treasure of memories for comfort.