My First Kill this year....


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
After Passing on my Idaho Bear..... Not pulling a trigger on the Montana Bear... skipping the Idaho Archery season I have my first kill of the year !!!

I was wondering if it would ever come around.

No more feeling sorry that I'm not hunting when the seson has been open for awhile, Kudos to me !!!

BTW, what is the SCI score on an american "house fly" ?!?!?! |oo |oo

Thanx for the Storiers and Pictures guys, I'm living though you untill I can get out this year !!!! Congrats to everyone .
If you would quit knocking up your wife maybe you could get some hunting done. ;)

Shot some ducks this weekend, you missed out. :D
Consider yourself could be stuck in FL w/ absolutely no chance to go hunting. BTW, congrats on the house fly...looking forward to the pics.
Probably a good thing it's a housefly. I don't think there is space in your trophy room for anything larger. Is it a rifle kill or an archery kill?

Actually it was a Rubber band, I think itgoes Pope/Young not B&C if you use a Rubber band.... ;)

MtMiller...... If you ever slept with a woman, you'd understand it's fun :D

Ovis, True...... Just like the guy with a nice truck telling someone that doesn't have a truck he wishes his was newer. I hear you, and I'll be quiet now....:(

Idaho Bugler headed out to the field to get his Big Oregon buck he shot yesterday with Wileyote, And I'm stuck here wishing I could put my Backpack to use |oo
Moosie, you missed out on the pack out for his "Whoregon" buck! It was a lot of fun. Our backpacks should have been used for spotting scopes and video cameras. It would have been fun to roach a coyote at 20 yards and get it on film but woulda, coulda, shoulda...........and IB just about killed us. Just ask him how, funny as all get out now looking back at it!!
The sleeping with them is good, it's the waking up with 'em that's not so good. :D
My one trip this year is coming up next week. I' m headed to NC, Halifax county, for the MZ season. No trophies, just alot of targets. Just lookin' to put a couple of doe's, maybe a small 6 pointer, in the freezer.

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