Muzzleloaders in MT

were right off the bat, Straight Arrow's in particular.

There you go again. Sorry, but I just don't understand what you are attempting to say. Have you read my posts. I am clearly opposed to a separate muzzy season.

'Sorry about the unpleasant throne time. I wish you well.
Let's chop the Montana seasons up, or make more of them, or let's make them all a little shorter and really define the weapon being used. Oh and lets not forget to really keep in mind what the private property owners want or can tolerate. Let's model it off Utah and Colorado, after all- they kill 200" mule deer there so they are success stories to take note of.

Straight Arrow, I was typing in English. I agree with your first reply 100%. The initial post was a link, I just edited it to have the "click here-->" so the retards that couldn't recognize that it was a link wouldn't miss out. :D Your day is better than mine.
Let's chop the Montana seasons up, or make more of them, or let's make them all a little shorter and really define the weapon being used. Oh and lets not forget to really keep in mind what the private property owners want or can tolerate. Let's model it off Utah and Colorado, after all- they kill 200" mule deer there so they are success stories to take note of.


Let's use the word ' CHALLENGED' and make the pc folks happy.
(having a physical or mental problem that makes it difficult to do things as easily as other people do)

Keep what ya got boys. Our seasons are short - Colorado residents need our DOW to adopt what you have up there in Montana.
It's head-in-a$$ syndrome here.
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Awwww poor landowners. I feel so bad for them that they have 1000's of acres, and they have to deal with someone asking to hunt or chase off the occasional trespasser. Gosh that must suck!
Well just be grateful some of those landowners DO allow folks to hunt on THEIR property. Yeah . . . . . its gotta suck at times.
Awwww poor landowners. I feel so bad for them that they have 1000's of acres, and they have to deal with someone asking to hunt or chase off the occasional trespasser. Gosh that must suck!

They're your neighbors and they do deserve consideration. Not special treatment, but I've talked with enough landowners to know how much time they spend dealing with hunters. It is not insignificant.
Seems to me...enough is never enough for most people in Montana.

Montanas herds are not in the best of shape...Btags are being done away with, elk going to permit only, etc. etc. etc.

Yet...some feel entitled to suggest an extended muzzleloader season?

For shit sake, how about we consider the health of the RESOURCE first...for a nice change of pace, and for ONCE.

At this point in time, the better discussion would involve seeing if residents could give up a little season length to help out the struggling herds.

Cant have that...who cares about the health of the RESOURCE as a first consideration anymore, I need more opportunity.

I'm also tired of the archery and muzzleloader crowd claiming they dont impact the herd numbers...thats bullchit. Archery hunter numbers have increased dramatically since I started archery hunting in 1985. Technology has increased dramatically since 1985...and the harvest statistics and success rates reflect it.

Having 11+ weeks of wide open hunting in Montanan has an impact on the wildlife...and frankly, its to the point the resource is suffering for it. Theres a price to be paid for that kind of season length, something has to (and does) give.

All that is the long answer to say, having ANOTHER season on top of what MT already has is not only a dumb idea, but totally irresponsible and selfish. Not one post on this thread has mentioned what the potential impacts to the resource another week or 2 of ML seasons would have on wildlife.

Thats pathetic...ME ME ME.
I do consider most, but theres a growing number lately that think their voice should be heard over the average hunter.

Buzz I do agree with you. MT is an awesome place to live and have an opportunity to hunt and fish in it. The seasons are fine the way they are. Hunters in general impact the herd. Doesn't matter what weapon u choose to use.
I would like to see a separate muzz season in montana,limited to the more primative rules,,,open powder,no 209,no scopes,open ign,,,maybe a week before the rifle hunters get numbers and seasons of course.

It matters when archery hunters can hunt 11 weeks...or hunt 6 weeks with a bow and then pick up a rifle for another 5 weeks.

It matters when archery hunter numbers are so much higher now...and archery success rates are vastly higher now.

Nobody wants to believe their sport impacts the resource, and nobody wants to talk about doing whats right for wildlife FIRST.

When was the last time you heard about the Montana Bowhunters Association asking for a shorter season since success rates on elk hunting doubled? Or that Archery hunters are killing more bulls in the breaks than rifle hunters? Or that overall elk harvest by archery hunters is wayyy higher today than it was in 1985?

The only thing you hear is we dont impact the resource and we want more opportunity, longer seasons, and if anyone suggests a shorter archery season (of any kind)...the MBA comes absolutely unhinged.

Its a joke, and tragic...since the only price being paid is by the wildlife resources.
If the herds are anywhere as shot over as Buzz says, (and I know for a fact the deer in this area are way down.)
I would be all for cutting the regular rifle season down to two weeks and leaving the last three weeks for muzzle loaders. I bet that would take the pressure off of some game and still allow us a very long season in the field.
I saw it back in the midwest, we ruined the best deer hunting anywhere with too long a season with modern weapons and muliple doe tags. Don't think it can't happen here too, looks like it already is to some degree.
Problem is, the game belongs to everybody, and they all have different aspirations.
Tough call for sure.
what impact have we had on elk populations? there is one heck of a lot more elk and elk opportunities now than there was in the 50's- 80's. Talk about a spoiled hunting society. take a look at the back from the brink book, video. Most of the recent reductions should not be blamed on hunters, no matter what tool they choose to use for harvest. blame herd reductions on ehd, autos, and predators. until we learn that predators need to be managed we will continue to see opportunity reductions .
what impact have we had on elk populations? there is one heck of a lot more elk and elk opportunities now than there was in the 50's- 80's. Talk about a spoiled hunting society. take a look at the back from the brink book, video. Most of the recent reductions should not be blamed on hunters, no matter what tool they choose to use for harvest. blame herd reductions on ehd, autos, and predators. until we learn that predators need to be managed we will continue to see opportunity reductions .

Holy crap dude. You have a lot of reading to do if you think the current elk mgt plan hasn't used hunters to reduce elk numbers statewide. But luckily you have come to the right place. Start your first search with, Barrett Bill, HB 42, Bitterroot elk.

It matters when archery hunters can hunt 11 weeks...or hunt 6 weeks with a bow and then pick up a rifle for another 5 weeks.

It matters when archery hunter numbers are so much higher now...and archery success rates are vastly higher now.

Nobody wants to believe their sport impacts the resource, and nobody wants to talk about doing whats right for wildlife FIRST.

When was the last time you heard about the Montana Bowhunters Association asking for a shorter season since success rates on elk hunting doubled? Or that Archery hunters are killing more bulls in the breaks than rifle hunters? Or that overall elk harvest by archery hunters is wayyy higher today than it was in 1985?

The only thing you hear is we dont impact the resource and we want more opportunity, longer seasons, and if anyone suggests a shorter archery season (of any kind)...the MBA comes absolutely unhinged.

Its a joke, and tragic...since the only price being paid is by the wildlife resources.

I cant agree with this anymore Buzz. Not only elk, but in regards to the eastern MT Mule deer herd. I've been saying for a short while now that we need to cut the last two weeks of general season and all doe tags in that part of the state. I think we could replace one of those weeks with a traditional muzzleloader season to limit success but not limit opportunities as much (still cut out the last week) I think it would help, hell even if it didnt involve a muzzle loader season I'd be for it. We still would have a generous season compared to a lot of states, and be able to hunt parts of the rut.

Let the bashing commence.
I respect many hunters on this site.What i get tired of is some assholes NOT reading all the comments and jumping in to make asshole comments.Greenhorn and Buzz both respected hunters get top prize in this thread.If you read the full length of discussion you would see that people like myself are merely speculating about the concept but also willing to admit the shortcomings, and ultimately defer to the well being of our hunting privilege.Funny how the guys that get the most worked up are the ones who kill truck loads of animals every year, so much for respecting our wildlife.I take what I need,nothing more.Nothing about that suggests ME ME ME.Once again a thread turned sour by the righteous chosen few.Some of you are being dicks today.I apologize for the rant, I really don't give a rats ass one way or the other,but as usual people start pointing fingers and name calling and can't merely discuss.Go back to making the two page list of all the animals you hope to snuff out this year.:W: