Mtn Ops vs Wilderness Athlete

What is different? Craft beer is something I was/would be willing to spend money on and I had to give it up. Yellow fizzy beer isn't worth a bucket of donkey piss, so I seldom spent any money on it to start with. So when they told me I had to give up alcohol, it was not a real big issue to give up the yellow fizzy stuff, since I pretty much avoided it after graduating from college, a time in my life when yellow fizzy stuff provided the majority of my nutrients..
Gotcha. I misunderstood and thought something in good craft beer wasn't good for your liver vs crappy macro beer.
I've always wondered if this stuff was Snake oil. That said, the convenience of using a protein powder in a shaker bottle first thing in the morning gets me a quick breakfast before I hit the trail. What have ya'll used as a meal replacement on the hunt? Thanks!

PS Mtn Ops as a brand, to me, trades on the credibility and admiration of our military. This is totally personal and I'm not saying it's wrong I just don't like it. As a hunter, I'm not in the Specials Ops community (though I'm very grateful for them) and don't want feel like a poser. Fortunately for me, Elk don't shoot back.
I've used the YETI from MTN OPS. I only use it when I am going on hikes .It gives me a boost after work to get in the hike and wont keep me up at night.

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