PEAX Equipment

MT Sheep HDs 500 & 501 Safety Network


Active member
May 9, 2012
I'm hoping to put together a contact list for those of us who will be hunting HDs 500 or 501 during the opener in 2019. If interested, shoot me a PM with your name (or code name if you don't want your name linked to a specific HD on the list), email address, and chosen HD. In August I'll reach out to everyone and collect satellite messaging contact info, compile a list for each HD, and then redistribute that info to everyone.

My hope is that this sort of network will provide an additional layer of protection and peace of mind, especially for those getting after it solo. It would sure be nice to have a list of folks you can contact that may only be a few hours away in the event of an injury, etc.

Some of you may remember I initiated something like this a few years ago. Lots of guys showed interest, but I dropped the ball and failed to actually reach out, get info, and compile a list. I'm not planning to let that happen again so please let me know if you're interested...

I'll be in here baring injury... IMG_20170816_133032877.jpgIMG_20170816_170636314.jpgIMG_20170816_162120516_HDR.jpg
The Beartooths are a special place... I'm excited to explore them more!
Doesn't sharing satellite information give off exact location of where your hunting? All of the inreach messages I have received or sent to friends for an update on the trip gives off coordinates. Not something I am really will to share, I like the idea you have but just have a few questions. A couple of the guys I have met over the years from the unlimiteds I have conversed with about what my plans are going in but I am not sharing it with the world. Maybe I am mistaken though on information shared. Also I think that there are some areas where a fellow hunter can get too in a "few hours" but more times then not it would take some a day or more to get out from where they are and get to another drainage.
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Doesn't sharing satellite information give off exact location of where your hunting? All of the inreach messages I have received or sent to friends for an update on the trip gives off coordinates. Not something I am really will to share, I like the idea you have but just have a few questions. A couple of the guys I have met over the years from the unlimiteds I have conversed with about what my plans are going in but I am not sharing it with the world. Maybe I am mistaken though on information shared. Also I think that there are some areas where a fellow hunter can get too in a "few hours" but more times then not it would take some a day or more to get out from where they are and get to another drainage.
You spoke my thoughts exactly. Good intentions, but I would suggest filing a hunt plan with people on the outside and giving daily updates.
Doesn't sharing satellite information give off exact location of where your hunting? All of the inreach messages I have received or sent to friends for an update on the trip gives off coordinates. Not something I am really will to share, I like the idea you have but just have a few questions. A couple of the guys I have met over the years from the unlimiteds I have conversed with about what my plans are going in but I am not sharing it with the world. Maybe I am mistaken though on information shared. Also I think that there are some areas where a fellow hunter can get too in a "few hours" but more times then not it would take some a day or more to get out from where they are and get to another drainage.

You can turn off the location part of the message if you're using the earthmate app via Bluetooth between your phone and inreach...
Never know. Sounds like a good back up plan if your wife decides not to send search and rescue.

My wife has said she’s cashing in my life insurance and moving somewhere tropical, so search and rescue may be a crap shoot for me 🙂
I've never used a satellite messenger so I wasn't aware of the GPS tag on messages - thanks EYJonas! for the heads up on that. I absolutely don't want this to turn into a way for someone to steal hard-earned intel. I'll contact Garmin and see if there would be an easy way to communicate with other devices without disclosing location.

I also agree that a mile or two can take a few hours or a few days to cover in that's highly variable. My thought process was that greater participation would result in a higher likelihood of someone on the contact list being within reach in the event of an emergency. Two or three guys per unit vs 10+/unit would likely drastically improve those odds.

I also wouldn't want this to provide a false sense of security; the Beartooths are a special brand of nasty compared to the other places I've hunted and there are definitely places/ things that probably shouldn't be attempted, no matter how many names and numbers I've got in my pocket. It also wouldn't/ shouldn't be a replacement for having a plan and timeline with family or friends.

Full disclosure: I'm a husband and father of two young kids. I'm finally at a place where I can take the time to give this hunt a legitimate go on a yearly basis. I'm trying to figure out a way to ease my wife's mind (and my own) while soloing this. I would imagine there are other guys in a similar situation that could also benefit from something like this.

Thank you guys for the feedback!
Here's what I sent to Garmin; I'll update when I hear back.

Is there a way to turn off the GPS location tag that is attached to an outgoing or incoming InReach message?

For context, I am trying to set up a safety network for a group of individuals who will all be hunting within the same wilderness area. We would all like to have the ability to contact everyone on the contact list in case of an emergency (the individual sending the help message would want their GPS coordinates shown), but those responding would want their location to remain secret. Essentially, this would act as a Good Samaritan-type system where if someone was within reach of an injured hunter, they could help stabilize that person while waiting for search and rescue.

Somehow I overlooked BuzzH's input: it sounds like turning off the GPS tag is possible when sending out a message.
I know lots of guys solo it that's some of them that's just the way they're wired when it comes to any adventure. I'm not much of a solo guy myself, but have done it.
I'm in the same boat as you. A wife, two young kids, and it's a lot to think about. A guy in all honesty can't go wrong with a compadre in my opinion. My advice would be to get in touch and keep in touch with a few guys and let them know your plan. You'll find that most guys that have been doing it long enough have a real respect for the adventure as well as others attempting it especially the ones willing to get deeper than the surface. They're not out to steal spots or build off what your doing. Good luck to you this season looks like your hunting a decent spot. ;)(y)
You can turn off your location with the Earthmate app.

You tap the little icon next to the message box :
Those are just some pics of the unit I had handy - if I had to lock in a 9 day plan right now, I'd be heading elsewhere within the unit.

The process of figuring it out through trial and error is a huge part of the appeal to me... I really like reading the MSU theses, learning what I can about their behavior, studying the area and then formulating a plan based on what I've learned. Execute the plan, live with the results, and make adjustments for future attempts... that's where a lot of the enjoyment and satisfaction is for me.