MT residents thoughts on Steve Bullock

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Literally anyone who thinks it's a good idea to run against the single greatest President this United States has ever witnessed, in a 2020 election, must have serious and incapacitating mental blindness. Regardless of their cultural, political, religious, or otherwise background. That single decision "I think I'll run against Trump" automatically puts them in the dust-bin of idiocy and failure.

That's the facts. And if you disagree you are just as blind.

There's much steam, big power and an escalating support base for our President that will quickly and efficiently elect him for his 2nd term.

And oh, I'm not a Republican
But you're welcome!
- Joseph
My wife’s grandmother is in an assisted care facility with other folks suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Monster-in-laws came on in the lunch area the other day and the WWII, Korea, and Vietnam vets about started a violent uprising with their canes.
They haven’t forgotten her.
unlike "Dark Money" this is all transparent. He doesn't have Trumps money to run a Presidential election and therefore must raise money. Most of which comes from rich people.
I don’t think trump needs to dip into his own piggy bank. After officially announcing his second run, he raised what $24.8 mil within 24 hours.

When you take big lobbyist cash your always in debt to them.
My wife’s grandmother is in an assisted care facility with other folks suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Monster-in-laws came on in the lunch area the other day and the WWII, Korea, and Vietnam vets about started a violent uprising with their canes.
They haven’t forgotten her.

It's certainly not who I would have led with if I were the comms team.

But then again, He's going up against a 5 time draft dodger who used his wealth to avoid service altogether through lies and false claims of injury, so I'm not sure how much a ding this is, especially during the primary. In the General, I think it's a wash.
My wife’s grandmother is in an assisted care facility with other folks suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Monster-in-laws came on in the lunch area the other day and the WWII, Korea, and Vietnam vets about started a violent uprising with their canes.
They haven’t forgotten her.
Hanoi Jane will never be forgotten !
It's certainly not who I would have led with if I were the comms team.

But then again, He's going up against a 5 time draft dodger who used his wealth to avoid service altogether through lies and false claims of injury, so I'm not sure how much a ding this is, especially during the primary. In the General, I think it's a wash.

My thoughts as well.
It's certainly not who I would have led with if I were the comms team.

But then again, He's going up against a 5 time draft dodger who used his wealth to avoid service altogether through lies and false claims of injury, so I'm not sure how much a ding this is, especially during the primary. In the General, I think it's a wash.

I imagine this same level of disgust with William Jefferson Clinton when he ran for President of the U.S. and I am sure an exhaustive continued disgust during his Presidency and re-election...? Or - no worries, he's a, well you know ~ not the Red flavored KoolAid server and consumer, Trump...

Would Steve Bullock return any $$$ contributed and denounce Hanoi Jane's endorsement or is this endorsement worth "it" for his political endeavors? No need to answer, we all know you are not his campaign manager nor Bullock himself. Besides, who cares right? It was long enough that the, "lest we forget" is getting closer to forgotten...
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