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MT residents thoughts on Steve Bullock

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If you feel better... If you or I break the law, where are we going? To the lock up.

It is very possible that some these illegals are murders, and child rapist, and drug dealers, and any other criminal aspect you would like to name. But still they are here illegally.

Let me pose the question to you as well, how many do you have staying with you? How about land, do you have tent cities on your property? I'm all for Trump's suggestion that we deliver them to sachuary cities. Maybe you can house 10 or 20 also.

But this post is not about that subject and is headed down the wrong fox hole. In fact, this post may have ran it's course and there isn't much new being brought to the table.
The point is that most of them aren't, they're actually great people, with very strong commitments to family and work ethic, two things we can all agree are needed in this country, and the answer to immigration is not to "lock 'em up" it's to have an effective immigration policy. When it takes up to 31 months to get a green card, that's not "effective" anything... (https://www.americanimmigrationcoun...ata-application-and-petition-processing-times )
Not trying to move the subject further off topic. New Mexico native. In some ways, the WASP are the migrants.
I grew up with the migrant population. Some are 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation. Highly developed family values and work ethic.
At work as a pharmacist, if a child is sick, the parents do not hesitate to spend $100 to $200 on a sick child. The Mom looks at Dad, and he pulls out his wallet. I bring this up as a comparison to the WASP parents. If a medication is not covered by insurance, even only $10, the medication is not bought. Just my experience, and definitely not 100% either scenario.

The current migrants are not the same people. These, IMO, have been recruited for political purposes. I am totally in support of the wall and for containment camps.

Now, back to the Montana maybe for President.
The point is that most of them aren't, they're actually great people, with very strong commitments to family and work ethic, two things we can all agree are needed in this country, and the answer to immigration is not to "lock 'em up" it's to have an effective immigration policy. When it takes up to 31 months to get a green card, that's not "effective" anything... (https://www.americanimmigrationcoun...ata-application-and-petition-processing-times )

There’s several billion people in the world living in poverty, how many do we take? We take more immigrants than any other country in the world. How many people world wide want to live the American dream? Do we take them all? How fair is it of us to simply allow the people from the south to take advantage of our laws while everyone else in the world who wants to come here has to do it legally? And by the way Democratic politicians don’t care about immigrants, just their votes.

Concentration camps? Really? Not a lot of respect for anyone making that comparison.
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There’s several billion people in the world living in poverty, how many do we take? We take more immigrants than any other country in the world. How many people world wide want to live the American dream? Do we take them all? How fair is it of us to simply allow the people from the south to take advantage of our laws while everyone else in the world who wants to come here has to do it legally? of our ancestors got that opportunity.

And by the way Democrat’s don’t care about immigrants, just their votes.
Really? I didn't know that. OMG my worldview is totally changed! For all this time I'm been thinking I care about the immigrants in my community because they were good people that deserve an opportunity to make a quality life for themselves and their children or even for the selfish reason that I like to eat apples and someone has to pick them... But thank you for straightening me out on what I think and why.
Personally, I agree with much as I believe that Bullock would govern well and from a more centrist position, I don't believe he has the name recognition or national spotlight that is needed to get him a place even in the primary. Many people would tell you that Obama didn't have the name recognition, and to some degree you would be correct but he flew on the scene with an amazing speech during the 2004 DNC. After winning the Democratic primary, he was a shoe in for President as we were going through a Republican caused recession (or most people blamed the Republicans). The next election was based on name recognition as well as a weak opponent and he won easily. Trump is riding almost solely on 2 things...his name recognition/ brand (which he has done for years) and a bolstered economy. You may wonder why I say "bolstered"...when you have to yell at the Fed to keep interest rates low to keep your economy's being artificially propped up. Any good economic adviser would tell you that interest rates should raise in order to slow (not halt) growth...this is so 1. you have some cushion during an economic slump and 2. infrastructure/ inflation/ etc. can keep up with the growth. The fact interest rates are possibly going to lowered and right now are frozen should put some trepidation in anyone who doesn't have a recession proof job. The reason Biden came in so strong is name recognition. Currently, policies are the least of either parties concerns, it's more about sound bytes and memes...the bumper sticker politics that seems to win in every election. Let's face it, if you went by morals, ethics, or policies, neither Clinton or Trump would have won a single primary. It all comes down to name recognition and money...and the money is really just a way to get more name recognition. Unless Bullock does something spectacular to get name recognition, he doesn't have a chance...even with great policies.
I guess the only speculation is, when will Bullock drop out, and when he does, what will he do then? Endorse someone else? Run for the senate? I think funds raised running for POTUS can be used in other races. Prepping for a future cabinet position? DOI? Statements about semi auto and fundraisers with Fonda, if nothing else would suggest a certain amount of nonchalance regarding Montana sensibilities.
I guess the only speculation is, when will Bullock drop out, and when he does, what will he do then? Endorse someone else? Run for the senate? I think funds raised running for POTUS can be used in other races. Prepping for a future cabinet position? DOI? Statements about semi auto and fundraisers with Fonda, if nothing else would suggest a certain amount of nonchalance regarding Montana sensibilities.

This is a good take.
Concentration camps: providing criminals with all of life’s necessities at tax payer expenses while we decide the best way to give most of them ‘amnesty’ after they cut in line in front of all the other desperate people trying to come here legally.
Meanwhile the evil CBP, stationed just down the road from my office is in the helicopter almost everyday collecting these people from dying in the desert south of town after their coyotes took their money, brought them across the wide open border, and left them for dead in the desert with no water.

If I ever hit the SOS on my inreach, it could cost me tens of thousands. Meanwhile you and I pay for border patrol to rescue criminals for free, while demonizing the rescuers as evil fascists. It’s a type of pathetic that could be described with some adjectives not appropriate for a family-friendly forum. For the bad language, I apologize.
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Every one of these red dots is a migrant that wasn’t fortunate enough to make it to the ‘concentration camps’. These are only the bodies that have been found. Considering the remoteness from i-8 to the border, you can imagine how many dots there should be.
Our country is so bad, people are willing to risk this to come here.

I guess the only speculation is, when will Bullock drop out, and when he does, what will he do then? Endorse someone else? Run for the senate? I think funds raised running for POTUS can be used in other races. Prepping for a future cabinet position? DOI? Statements about semi auto and fundraisers with Fonda, if nothing else would suggest a certain amount of nonchalance regarding Montana sensibilities.

From the beginning I’ve thought this was a way to raise funds, recognition for something else. Originally my thoughts were senate but now I’m not so sure. Maybe Ben knows...
The point is that most of them aren't, they're actually great people, with very strong commitments to family and work ethic, two things we can all agree are needed in this country, and the answer to immigration is not to "lock 'em up" it's to have an effective immigration policy. When it takes up to 31 months to get a green card, that's not "effective" anything... (https://www.americanimmigrationcoun...ata-application-and-petition-processing-times )

I will agree that there are great people in the bunch. I have personnally met and helped folks in that situation. No question about it, and if they do things legally, I'll support the whole bunch. No contest.

Bashing our President is not fixing anything. I don't know how Steve Bullock would be as our President. I'll bet you that there will be people that will bash him for his efforts too, no matter how good he does in other areas. And maybe even his efforts won't/can't fix the current situation. I can't say. But, most of your complaints could be fixed if congress would stop wasting time, establish an effective immigration policy, and fix the problem.
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