MT NR Big game Combo now over $1,000


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2013
ok, this is now getting ridiculous ...yes It was only a slight hike from last year but now the rate is $1,001 for the NR big game combo to hunt Montana deer & elk .Plus when u buy online add another $20 something dollars for and then a bonus point and the app costed me $1,057 . Ill keep paying it cuz its my one big trip of the year . I spend 8-10 days hunting in mid nov and to me theres nothing better . Im just wondering if maybe there'll be more leftover tags this year cuz the slight increase, deer combo is now over 600 . its crazy . you can tell me all you want about what good of a deal it is cuz the 10 weeks to hunt an this and that . I just want to know how many of you agree with me . thanx:D:mad:

I have not and do not intend to hunt Montana because of the costs associated. It is still Wyoming for me. I can choose my "poison" and pay appropriately!
And this is the exact reason I do not apply in Montana anymore. I would love to hunt there again and have family I would love to hunt with that live there but I cannot justify that much cost.
That is absolutely ridiculous. A NR can get an Idaho elk and deer tag for roughly the same cost as a MT elk tag! And you can get your kid a license for $40 in Idaho, vs $500 some in MT. I don't get what the FWP is thinking, just crazy!
MT is my plan B or C when wanting to elk hunt. If draw nothing in my other draws then and only then do I consider MT. I almost was skunked in the Western draws 2 years ago but AZ December deer tag was a last inning clutch "hit" so still have never hunted MT for elk or deer.

Maybe someday. Is certainly not Plan A with the leftover tag situation they created. Looks like the tags sell out a few days sooner each year so maybe at some point will not have leftovers. Until then, Plan B or C.
I never mind paying for a quality experience where my money is spent managing wildlife resources wisely.

Montana doesn't fall into that category anymore, in particular elk.
I never mind paying for a quality experience where my money is spent managing wildlife resources wisely.

Montana doesn't fall into that category anymore, in particular elk.

I was going to say ....... This doesn't describe Montana very well
Not sure how long I can afford it. Last year I took my Kid for the extra punch in the gut. Had I not drawn the Archery tag and made it out there to hunt 2 times I would not have done it. Not feeling too welcome there anymore and feel more like I'm funding a welfare program. I have yet to punch an elk tag in MT and every time I hunted NM I have. Makes me think were money is better spent, at least for the places I hunt.
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Ive been hunting MT for the last 5 yrs and plan to keep doing so, as long as they give me the option. I dont think you can beat it for the price/length of season/ and the public access. ALOT of guys on here will probably disagree, (im my opinion) because they have never been there before and maybe are afraid of doing a little research. You simply CANT beat the wildest/purest protein that you get to take home!!! I would probably pay more for a tag if i had too. Some of the best memories i have are from hunting raging bulls with a bow. Nothing better then letting a NR come to your state to hunt big game... Take it from me, im from north dakota! Are elk tags are like unicorns! But when you do draw the once-in-a-lifetime tag, you have the chance at shoot one hell of a donkey.

Hell ya America!
Montana may be my back up plan this year.If I can make 2 trips out of a tag then its 100% worthwhile.If I can only go out once,due to work or other tags, then its not worth the money.I like to go early for archery elk ,and then go back for the muley rut.That spaces my trips out and to buy elk and deer tags in Co or Wy would cost as much if not more.Not many rut mule deer tags out there.Yet alone being basically otc
So to me, if I can do a separate trip for each species its well worth the price to play.If I only have time for one trip,then theres better options.I do need to start looking over Idaho units as another backup plan.Their price sounds good but my guess is mt offers a better hunt
I never mind paying for a quality experience where my money is spent managing wildlife resources wisely.

Montana doesn't fall into that category anymore, in particular elk.


If I didn't live here, I wouldn't hunt here.

Lots of states doing a better job for the various species.

But with the long seasons, it is a pretty good deal for residents.
Ive been hunting MT for the last 5 yrs and plan to keep doing so, as long as they give me the option. I dont think you can beat it for the price/length of season/ and the public access. ALOT of guys on here will probably disagree, (im my opinion) because they have never been there before and maybe are afraid of doing a little research.

I don't disagree with you on the ALOT of guys comment.

But, just for family has hunted Montana since the early 1900's.My Dad has held elk and deer tags every year since 1957. I personally have held deer and elk tags every year since 1980.

There is NO question in my mind, that with the exception of maybe mountain lions and black bears, the hunting for all other species in Montana is worse now than it was when I bought my first tags in 1980.
That is starting to get up there in price, but a lot of states when you combo them together for deer/elk are not far off, however the individual elk or deer lisc fees are crazy high. The season length argument really doesn't hold much weight to a NR, mainly because most NR aren't able to get out for more than a week or go back second week at a later time. Sure some may, but the vast overwhelming majority can not.
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As long as their general combo tags are basically OTC I will be hunting MT every year until I can't physically do it any more. Having said that, there is NO way that the GENERAL deer tag is worth $600!!! The number of quality bucks is just not there right now.
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