Yeti GOBOX Collection

MT Late Season Fun

Headed to the next field and this guy jumped up right away. Not a big sharpie fan, but this is for GuNR....right.:D

What?!?! not a sharpie fan??? Need to get you behind a pointer!:D

Great pics Craig. I always get a kick out of GuNR posing so nicely. I cant get Fritz to even look at the camera when I take a solo pic of him.

Keep em coming
Great pics Craig. I wish Chase and I could have joined you. GuNR and Chase working the cattail slough would be a sight to behold.
I thought about how much I missed my dog when I was in MT a couple weeks ago. I lost more birds than I care to admit, part my shooting, part thicker than crap and they were running like road runners when they hit the ground. Great photos Craig
Wow, those are some outstanding photos. Looking at those reminds me that I need to kill a deer so I can get back to bird hunting!
I was going to say that GuNR is one lucky critter, but perhaps should be the other way 'round. As always impressed with your pix.
I have only perused this site a few times but your pictures promted me to register so I could ask a hopefully non-rhetorical question...are you packing a SLR camera in the field all the time or are you getting these shots with something more compact?

Great pictures by the way, I really like the one on the ice. Thanks for sharing.
I have only perused this site a few times but your pictures promted me to register so I could ask a hopefully non-rhetorical question...are you packing a SLR camera in the field all the time or are you getting these shots with something more compact?

Great pictures by the way, I really like the one on the ice. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks Camo. I picked up one of these and most of the time have the SLR with me. Minor mistake, I thought she came with it. Cotton Carrier.


I hope you stick around.
If I can ever swing a transfer to Malmstrom, I've decided mtmiller and nemont are going to be my best friends whether they like it or not!
Minor mistake, I thought she came with it.

Funny, when I found your post naturally I noticed the pic first and hoped the same thing.
That's a great idea, looks to solve the portability and quick access concerns. Thanks for the info.
Crap. Decided to take the day off and make a 3 day weekend of chasing uplands.

GuNR met a porky two weeks ago and after I pulled about 150 and the vet got one, I thought we were good to go.

Today we headed for parrots. Got into a few, but too bad hens are sacred. I got the look....many times.

Apparently there is still something in GuNR's leg as really started to blow up. Guess we are done for the weekend and there will be some cutting soon.

Still picked up one bird...damn sharpies again. You can see the bum wheel in this shot. Doesn't bother him, but I don't think it will get better having him chase birds.

Maybe ducks after Christmas.

Yeti GOBOX Collection

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