Caribou Gear

MT antelope


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2015
Northern IN
Was finally able to get my son out west on his first hunt, as well as his grandpa for his first as well. First afternoon we found a good buck and had to make about a mile stalk to get into shooting position. My son got first crack if it was in his range, if not Grandpa got the nod. Well when we finally got to where we could get a shot I knew it would be to far for my son 375 yards, so grandpa took the shot. I made a bad call on his dope and he shot under him. So we let them go and went looking for some more bucks for my son. We found several but couldn't get a shot, vegetation was either to high or they wouldn't stop moving. Well towards last light we found one, so we hurried to close the distance and got to about 200 yards, my son made a perfect shot dropping him in his tracks. It was awesome to be there and for his grandpa to be there to witness it as well.

Next day Grandpa is up, we looked over several small bucks before finding a good first buck for him. They busted us before we could get set up and had to catch them around the other side of the hill. This time I made the correct call and he made a great 470 yard shot, he ran with his does but came running back at us, stopping at 138 yards where grandpa put an insurance shot in him dropping him.

Now it was my turn, I went to an area I had hunted before and spotted sever small buck, but nothing I was interested in. Driving to another spot I see one in the distance and can tell hes a good one, well a 700 yard stalk and poping up where they should be they were gone. It was raining and blowing bad, I went over the next ridge to see them casually walking away, but due to the rain and wind, I couldn't see them after 400 yards. The next morning I decided to go after the buck that grandpa had missed. Made a perfect 321 yard shot dropping him in his tracks.

This was a hunt I was looking very forward to and one I won't soon forget.

We were still seeing a good bit of rutting activity also.

That's cool. Curious where in Montana you can hunt Antelope with a rifle right now as the general rifle season opens October 6?
That's cool. Curious where in Montana you can hunt Antelope with a rifle right now as the general rifle season opens October 6?

Too funny ... if you shot it out of season and posted it.

Montana regulations indicate antelope season (for rifle) is October 6 to November 11, 2018. September 1 to October 5, 2018 is "archery only season".
Must be hunting on the reservation ...congrats
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I suspect this was a WY hunt and the title is a typo. At least I hope so. i guess congrats on the goats hopefully it all works out if you were indeed in Montana.
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