

New member
Apr 19, 2004
Hey Folks,
We're in the process of moving and hope by the end of this month to be all said and done. I used to try to get on here every day but has been a while now since I last signed on and read and posted. Got to go hunt for some boxes after while and not sure right now when I'll be back in here this week to read and post again but I sure do hope this finds everyone doing good and staying well and having a good time hunting.
Our hunting season opened on October 2 but we haven't been out to do any squirrel hunting yet. It runs through feb. so I guess we've got plenty of time to get out there and bag our limits.
Will try to give the ones I have a phone number for a call soon.
Until later,
"smiles and hugs from the heart of dixie":)
Good luck on the Moving.. My Moms moving this month and I'm helping her..... It's Hunting season for Heavins sake ;)
I'm with you Whiskers, my buddy had to miss opening day to take his wife t oLake Tahoe for their anniversary. We told him to take the rifle and tell her he had to stop buy to pick something up from us in camp.
Thanks and good luck with helping your Mom with her move Moosie.

On Hunting: Sunday my husband got off work a little earlier and by the time he got home and parked his truck, made his way inside, he was ready to get out there to go hunting in like just a few seconds :D

Since I wasn't expecting him to get off work earlier and had no idea he was wanting to go hunting ASAP after getting home, I wasn't ready to go with him this time :(
I was in the middle of getting housework done, clothes washed, supper cooking, packing items into boxes for our move and still running around in my old house

I am so glad he got to go out hunting. He bagged a few squirrels and they're already in the freezer awaiting more to go with them.
As bad as I have been wanting to get out on my first hunting trip with my husband I knew time was of essence and I did not want to hender him from getting out there before dusk. By the time he got back home I had a large crock full of homemade chilie waiting on him.
By the way Moosie, he was wearing his hunttalk hat with his nickname on it. He really likes it. Wears it well :D
Didn't get pictures yesterday but we still have a long ways to go before hunting season is over so, will get some new pictures later on.
So....I don't reckon us moving is going to interrupt our hunting season not one bit or at least not his ;)
We wish you the best on your move.If we was closer we would help,;)

I lost a day of hunting yesterday on a all day trip for a bed that my princess bride wanted plus getting more clothes for the young men.(who grow out of the old ones way too quick.) With football on Saturday mornings all I got in was a afternoon hunt that day. ;)