Mouth Calls vs Eectronic


Active member
Sep 9, 2012
Spring Creek, NV
I haven't coyote hunted for quite awhile. Going to get back into it this winter. I have always used mouth calls, Are the electronics calls worth the money over a mouth call? Which electronic would you guys recommend, priced on the lower end?
I've used a fox pro fury for the last couple years and have been pretty happy with it. Besides the remote, that thing sucks. Last year the dogs just wouldn't respond to any of the sounds I had on it. We started using the hand calls again and the dogs started to come in. I don't know if it was just a fluke that it worked or not. The electronics are nice, but also sends a lot of people out after them and makes for a lot of educated dogs.
Been calling before calling was cool.
When electronics came out EVERY THING CHANGED !!!!!:hump:
The electronic calls are good, if you really want to spend the money on one of the good ones. I don't call much anymore, but I always enjoyed beating those critters at their game using a mouth call. They are sure a lot easier to pack around, too.

One thing about the electronic calls, is that you can get the sound away from you and so are less likely to have one in your lap. Ben there, done that.
I own and use both. I prefer the foxpro simply because I can set it out 50 yards from me and the yotes come in looking in that spot rather than where im sitting. Gives me a little more freedom to move.
Caribou Gear

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