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Mounten Men TV Show


New member
Jun 27, 2012
What a let down! Besides the guy living in Alaska I don't see the draw here.
Tom in Montana is worried about Bears and Wolves. They cut to stock footage of other bears and locationolves NOT near him. If he had that danger near him the day or night footage would have something to show. The fact that he can't find a deer to kill in Montana is beyond me!
Eustis has all this "Drama" in North Carolina and they try to play it up but the footage they show is aout of context. The use music and sound bites but watch the show and it is just him cutting small logs and talking about how he might die if it rains hard....Ya I live near him and he is about 30 minutes from the interstate. The guy in Alaska has his own plane, leaves his family for the winter and complains he can't feed them if his traps are empty. The guy has like 4 cabins all over his land and all the modern comforts that location will allow him. The weather is real, If the weather is bad Yes he is in danger. The funny thing is he left to check his trraps WITH HIS GUN SHOWN!!! His snow machiene breaks and he now has NO GUN? and is worried about the wolves. The show is anti climactic, characters are weak, and most of us who grew uo near Canada in Vermont had it for worse in the winter than Tom or Eustis. They could have had a stud of a show on their hands but they can't even make it interesting wth all the major editing they do. The should just call the show "Guys who like to be outside a lot"
Agreed I quit watching after the first 2 episodes ohhh well i guess there is always the oxygen channel
Hey now don't go pickin on my show lol. I have learned a lot from the show. Like; I need to cut firewood, I now know to be cautious of wolves and griz. I f I ever have a snowmobile learn to be a mechanic all day long..

One of the biggest flops I've noticed that they keep talking about is Eustis rifle is mis-firingl ... iiots it wasnt sighted in.
Hey now don't go pickin on my show lol. I have learned a lot from the show. Like; I need to cut firewood, I now know to be cautious of wolves and griz. I f I ever have a snowmobile learn to be a mechanic all day long..

One of the biggest flops I've noticed that they keep talking about is Eustis rifle is mis-firingl ... iiots it wasnt sighted in.

Ya I done learned me not to try and pet me no wolves LOL
Eustis....He trusted and let someone else sight in his Rfle!!!!
Now a man shouls know better than that! but he did kill about a 65lb doe the other night...
I didn't want to revive the old thread last week, but did any of you see the where they went out to "push" the mountain lion back into the hills. Did anyone else notice that when they did finally "bump" the lion, it was in different terrain and the snow was about half a foot deeper? Totally used some stock footage....
IIRC, there was a dramatic scene where the snowsled wouldn't start. Hell I thought they were all gonna hafta ride back with the camera crew.
It is bad but I keep watching hoping something will change or just to see what crazy stuff they come up with next.

Eustis is an idiot,(that rifle has never miss-fired??? who here trust somebody else to sight in their rifles? A: I think nobody) . Marty has trapped one martin in the three weeks while fighting his snow machine seems to be the only thing he really does.

The whole grizzly, wolf and short hair thing is about to drive me mad. I do however like Tom and do feel for him in his struggle to be able to live where he loves. That is if there is indeed a struggle.
I didn't want to revive the old thread last week, but did any of you see the where they went out to "push" the mountain lion back into the hills. Did anyone else notice that when they did finally "bump" the lion, it was in different terrain and the snow was about half a foot deeper? Totally used some stock footage....

It's all stock footage because thye have no real threats besides the weather where any of them live
It is bad but I keep watching hoping something will change or just to see what crazy stuff they come up with next.

Eustis is an idiot,(that rifle has never miss-fired??? who here trust somebody else to sight in their rifles? A: I think nobody) . Marty has trapped one martin in the three weeks while fighting his snow machine seems to be the only thing he really does.

The whole grizzly, wolf and short hair thing is about to drive me mad. I do however like Tom and do feel for him in his struggle to be able to live where he loves. That is if there is indeed a struggle.

I mean they have real life mountain men really living off the land in America! in the spirit of the pioneers. But those men are not camera friendly and the graphic life and language they use is not going to go over well with the comercialization of basic cable
Nope . But my two youngest daughters 17 and 15 were headed out to the movies earlier , I overheard their mom laying down the law!
Its almost like a car wreck I cant look away. I loved the lion chase in Idaho. Could they not find a saddle with stirrups that would fit that poor guy. I felt sorry for him when the horses spooked at the dog er lion. The producer needs a map considering the repeated shots of Mt. McCaleb the reference to the sawtooths and the fact the bird guy lives in the Little Lost. He was just as cooky as I remembered. Eustice makes me laugh. I just hope there is an episode where the tax men come to give him the boot and he gets busted for the off camera "medicine" hes most likely growing.
I've concluded that these guys are no more a Mountain Man, than I am. I must confess, though, that I still watch the show in hopes that Tom will get eaten by a grizzly, his dog killed by wolves, Marty crashes his plane, and one of Eustice's cult goes berserk and kills him with an axe!
I cant watch it anymore. I had the image of Grizzly Adams or Jeremiah Johnson in my head when I think of mountain men. Eustice, pay your taxes man. I hate paying them too but the reality is some of that money is to protect the lifestyle we all love from enemies both near and afar. Marty, get a newer snow mobile and trap something. Tom, not sure how the heck you plan on making it through the winter on beaver meat and a couple of ducks. This is not really entertaining. Compared to Duck Dynasty, it is like watching paint dry. As far as the DVR goes with Mountain Men....They gone...
I cant watch it anymore. I had the image of Grizzly Adams or Jeremiah Johnson in my head when I think of mountain men. Eustice, pay your taxes man. I hate paying them too but the reality is some of that money is to protect the lifestyle we all love from enemies both near and afar. Marty, get a newer snow mobile and trap something. Tom, not sure how the heck you plan on making it through the winter on beaver meat and a couple of ducks. This is not really entertaining. Compared to Duck Dynasty, it is like watching paint dry. As far as the DVR goes with Mountain Men....They gone...

...contrived drama....like Orange County Choppers. Ratings increase dependent on viewership IQ suspension.

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