PEAX Equipment

Motorized Trails


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2010
SE Minnesota
I am planning an elk hunt for next year in Colorado. Looking at some National Geographic Trails Illustrated maps, I notice there are "Motorized Trails" that have a picture of a dirt bike next to them. I was wondering if these are open to vehicles as well, or are they only for 4-wheelers and such? I have been to CO before and used these maps but have not encountered these trails as I have always just gone to wilderness areas. I am guessing they are not intended for trucks but want to verify.
Are people fairly decent at sticking to the trails, or do a lot of them go off the trail?
Get the map for the forest or BLM you want to hunt. I wouldn't trust a third party application. Trails close all the time.

I'm guessing the motor bike designation is for motor bike, and not ATV or truck, but who knows. Most of the travel maps free on line.

And no... people don't stay on the trail.
Most that I have been on are only four wheeler or bike. They will also have a width restriction like 48" wide only. These are mostly old logging trails that the forestry use to access the walking trails with vehicle but usually you cannot drive on them with truck, the map will say. As for poeple staying on the trails you can only go like 200ft off the trail to make camp you will be in truble if you break these rules they do check.
Thanks guys! I ordered my BLM maps yesterday, so they should get here soon.
It sucks that people don't stay on the trail. I will not be bringing an ATV, so I guess I will be doing lots of walking and hopefully using the ATVers to my advantage!
I would bring the ATV it will get you back alot farther than those without them then do your hiking from there, the elk will not be very close to the trails

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