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Moosie, BE IN


New member
Aug 6, 2002
Gardiner in the morning, if ya get there tonight, I'll be at the super8. Bring your skinning knife and a few shells for your buffalo gun.
As many as we can, and any many as we can haul, thinking we got enough trailer for 16-20
Don't you mean bring your skinning KNIVES??

I don't think one is gonna get it...

Prob be three or so shooters and a coupla stackers.... gotta do it right. another 200 or so come out this morning and the state will haull them off if we don't get over there.
NO, they're just such a political hotpotato that no one wants any responsibilty for them. Several of us go down every year when they come off NPS and get a few to take home. This year the weather has been so weird they haven't really moved til the last few days, and now are out near gardiner.... so off we go.
So, is Lostagain sitting at the border of Yellowstone waiting for some buffalo to come out today?

That would be a place a lot of people from here would consider a high fence to try and keep the animals in the park. It sounds like it anyway.
No, I'm not grasping. I just read some news where New Mexico has some high fence up just to protect animals from getting onto the highway. They have funnels made with places the animals can cross. They have one way doors in the fence, so if an animal gets caught on the highway side and follows the fence, they can get off of the highway. There's good uses for high fence. Maybe, although, they're not liked much up there that is a place. What is this thread about?

I got the idea Lostagain was going to shoot buffaloe that the ranchers didn't want on their ranches. And that the buffalo are coming out of Yellowstone. If that's what's going on, you Montana people are shooting our public park buffalo. You need a fence or something bad.
Tom did you have a clue why those buffalo come out of Yellowstone ? Fence the Yellostone border for buffalo? my god Tom you have slipped off the deep end
They want the rancher's food? Why? Tell me what's happening up there, you probably know more being up there. Can I come get one cheap?
Tom, 280, no the buffs were on state ground not any ranchers feed ground, the reason is the USDA regs state that for MT to keep its burri free status they need to manage the bison. The NPS doesn't have enough ground to support the herds of elk and bison they have, they rely on the charity of the neighboring states and the fed ground in those states, the elk are not a worry because they are BIG money from "hunters" while bison are really worrisome. The USDA regs are pretty screwed up and something drastic needs to change, basically the people for saving the bison need to put their money where their protests are and either buy up all the private ground and make the feds and the states give up ground to the NPS, or they need to get the USDA to grant an exception that bison do not count in the disease free bs. Most ranchers over there with allotments don't worry about the bison eating everything, b/c there is not that many,,, they are more worried about the USDA jerking the diseasefree status which is huge.

The bison we took were outa the park prob 12 miles and still heading north for better feed. I would like to thank ya tho for providing many families with good food.
who killed them? I read a couple of stories in the paper about this but all it said was the buffs were headed to slaughter, my question was slaughter how?
The ones the state employees gather up go to a slaughterhouse to be killed and processed, in the past many went to C&C/McGinleys in Sheridan,where to this year I don't know. There is different options/ not sure which are going now, they were killed at a slaughterhouse and then auctioned off to the public, some were processed and given to different orgs....schools, tribes, food banks, prison etc...

The ones we just got, we took home to our families and neighbors.