Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Moose hunting: Tipping Pilots $$$ ?



Random question here but I figure someone on this forum could share some personal experiences. My father and I will be going on a UNGUIDED moose hunt next week at a fly in fishing resort in Ontario. We will be flown into our lake/cabin and I was wondering whether we need to think about tipping the pilot any money and if so how much? I was thinking at most 10$, 20$ a person per trip in and out and if they have to come (hopefully) to get a moose for us. Just want to do right by them, what do you guys think?
Are these flights part of some package with the resort or have you contracted with the flying service separately?
I usually tip $100 each way. I'm not a big tipper, but this seems customary. Especially if you get a few extra minutes looking over the area where you're going to hunt, its money well spent. Plus, he's more likely to get you over someone else if there is only time for one pickup that day... or so I've been told by one old pilot.