Yeti GOBOX Collection

Montana Wolf Killlers:)


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2007
Bozeman, MT
I may be behind and many may have seen this already but I was linked to this site today and glanced through it. WOW, this is a perfect example of why our world is in such disrepair, we have people like this wasting our valuble oxygen by their presense. I was so mad after reading it, i couldn't even type a response. Guaranteed they wouldn't post it anyway.

Every name that is on the "wall of shame", is most definately on the "wall of fame" in my book, congrats to all of you, wish i could have joined you:)

Its amazing listening to some of the people making comments and you have to wonder if they truly could tie their own shoes or if they are still required to use velcro as i suspect some of them must.

They go on and on about ..............nevermind, i get pissed even thinking of it:mad:........Going to go shoot something to make me feel better....
I may be behind and many may have seen this already but I was linked to this site today and glanced through it. WOW, this is a perfect example of why our world is in such disrepair, we have people like this wasting our valuble oxygen by their presense. I was so mad after reading it, i couldn't even type a response. Guaranteed they wouldn't post it anyway.


You think the "world is in disrepair" because somebody doesn't support your hobby??

Over 200k people were killed in Hati last month and you are upset about somebody posting public information?


You might reassess your priorities if you really think the world is in disrepair because of an anti-wolf hunting site.
Congrats to everyone who made that list, glad to see there are that many who made the wall.
Jose...............let me clarify and narrow down to the United States since you obviously blew the comment out of proportion........

And for the record, yes, i am damn concerned about the issue at hand, regardless if something bad has happened to the people in Haiti or not. Is it horrible over there, yes, without a doubt, but has no relevance to the issue I talked about.......

For everone else, true it is the "legal" list, and i hope the "other" list is growing by the day:)

I will continue to pray for the people in Haiti there Cuervo if it makes you feel better, and will also continue to pray that either of the lists grow substantially:):):)
WOW, this is a perfect example of why our world is in such disrepair, we have people like this wasting our valuble oxygen by their presense. I was so mad after reading it, i couldn't even type a response.

Jose...............let me clarify and narrow down to the United States since you obviously blew the comment out of proportion........

And for the record, yes, i am damn concerned about the issue at hand, regardless if something bad has happened to the people in Haiti or not. Is it horrible over there, yes, without a doubt, but has no relevance to the issue I talked about.......

Let's see..... You use the lack of support of your hobby as a "perfect example" of why the world is in "such disrepair".

You became "so mad after reading" that you were unable to perform simple tasks like typing.

And you then think other people "blew.... out of proportion"....

I would suggest you learn what is really important in this world, in the grand scheme of things.
Let's see..... You use the lack of support of your hobby as a "perfect example" of why the world is in "such disrepair".

I would suggest you learn what is really important in this world, in the grand scheme of things.

First off, it isn't the "lack of support of my hobby", its the utter absurdity of the comments people make with the complete lack of knowledge. Fine if they want to be wolf lovers, but when someone goes as far as to say that hunters have no respect for animals and that wolves don't impact the chemistry of nature at all..........Are you fuggin kidding me.

Whats really important in this world......really Jose....I guess if i have anything to learn that is important, its to not waste time arguing with people such as yourself.

So how much do you contribute to the wolf retards anyway? You talk just like one of them so i suspect you must be a "member" of the howlers....

Now hurry Jose, get over to Haiti and save the world.....................while you are over there saving that part of the world, I'll be over here trying to make the "wall of shame" grow as much as possible..........

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