Montana Deer(s)...


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2000
I got back on Wednesday from MT where I was chasing muley's and spent yesterday cutting/wrapping meat! :D

This one's just to prove not everything killed in MT is huge... ;) I caught up with this buck in a sleet/snow storm the second evening I was able to hunt. He did suffer a bit of ground skrinkage, but I attribute that to the reduced visibility (the snow was blowing into my face) and not to me being a horrible judge of mule deer or getting an itchy trigger finger... :D


Anyway, I'm happy with that buck and it was a fun hunt in some new/interesting country with great company...


Here's the doe I shot the first evening I was able to hunt. If I get drawn again I'll definitely be saving my pennies for more doe tags... :eek:
Congrats on the deers! That stock looks too pretty to hunt with. Just got back tonight from an unsuccessful deer hunt here in CO. Passed up lots of bucks looking for the right one. I think BuzzH might still be a little peeved that I passed on the trashy 11-pointer he spotted for me. ;) Ended up with a lot less than you did!

Congrats on the hunt, sounds like you had a good time.

I still cant believe oak passed on the 11-point...theres just no pleasing some people.
Your dog looks too much like Congrats on the double take.
Thanks for the kudos!

Oak- The stock is just a laminate and has many a scritch and scratch on it...but thanks for the complement. I need to see pics of this 11 pointer!

Nick- Nope, just a general Deer Combo A tag

Ovis- Good eye, but that just may be the famous dog you referenced... :D Like I said, I had some good least the dog was! ;)
Congrats on killing some MT deer. Did you guys strike out in Idaho or did I just miss the post? Always good seeing Axl in another hunting photo.
No we filled three of the four elk tags in camp; 2 spikes and 1 5X4. One of the other guys in camp had a landowner tag (different unit) and shot a nice 6pt bull this past week. Mine was the only one not filled, so I didn't have much of a story to relate. Thanks for asking though.
C'mon Dinkshooter, you know that's a 2-pointer. Saw a few of those too, though.

Sorry for hijacking your thread, 1_p.

Very nice buck.

If you were hunting with Miller, I guess your hunt dispells the rumor that he saves all the good critters for himself.

Looks like you guys had a good time.


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