Montana Deer Hunt/nikster

the nikster

Well-known member
May 4, 2005
Saturday I head out to Eastern Montana for a deer hunt. I am meeting up with some friends from NY I have hunted with in years past.
3 years ago I let a young buck walk-you may remember I mentioned it. He was a tall 3 point but was only 1.5/2.5 years old. He bedded in an area no smart guy would check so I reckon he's still there, watching does, gettin bigger and bigger.
It's kinda warm for the rut to be starting up but I hope to get a look at him topping some does before I send him on to a dirt-nap.
I'll post pics as soon as I get him-if.
If you gimmee your number(PM) I'll send you the first pic!
I was out scoutting in Montana today. Saw 23 differnet bucks all either with the does or in close proximity. Good luck
What part of Montana? We will be heading toward Ashland Friday afternoon, should be a fun 12 hour drive!
I'll be a hundred or so miles north of ya. I just talked to the fella that runs cattle in the area. Bucks did start pushing does a couple of days ago. He has not seen any breeding action just yet though. First parft of next week it drops into the upper 40's with a chance for rain/snow. I'm gonna pick up some 4x4 mule deer scent tomorrow......