Montana Custer National Fosest


New member
Dec 24, 2016
Sorry if I am not give you all the right information but this is my first time on a DIY hunting, Look's like I will be near the CNF this coming year, I think unit 705, not sure if this is an area with elk. I am looking for any information that could point me in the right direction, sorry I have never done this before thank you fo r all your help.
If you mean Hunting District (HD) 705, it would be good for you to read the regulations for that HD. A permit is required to hunt bull elk and the deadline for applying is tomorrow March 15th. If archery hunting, you also may need a permit, depending on where you hunt. Many over-the-counter tags are not valid for the National Forest. I advise you to look at the Montana FWP website and read the regulations for any and all HDs you may be interested in hunting. 'Good place to start. It's not that complicated, but it is different for each HD, with many varied restrictions in HD 705.
If this forum is any indication of what the CNF is going to be like this year you may be pretty bummed out with the hunting pressure and small amount of elk on public land. Yea a new world record was shot there, but by a guy who hunted the area for years on end and had a sweet spot. I have gone as many as 4 days without even laying eyes on elk in the CNF while archery hunting and gone a week during a deer rifle hunt without even seeing a cow. My prediction is a mass influx of hunters this year followed my a mass exodus next year of disappointed hunters. I've only hunted it once for elk in the last 8 years, I'm taking at least another year off until the masses disperse. If I didn't have friends that live in the area I would be joining my buddy hunting along the yellowstone border area and putting up with grizz. But at least he has been getting into elk daily.
If this forum is any indication of what the CNF is going to be like this year you may be pretty bummed out with the hunting pressure and small amount of elk on public land. Yea a new world record was shot there, but by a guy who hunted the area for years on end and had a sweet spot. I have gone as many as 4 days without even laying eyes on elk in the CNF while archery hunting and gone a week during a deer rifle hunt without even seeing a cow. My prediction is a mass influx of hunters this year followed my a mass exodus next year of disappointed hunters. I've only hunted it once for elk in the last 8 years, I'm taking at least another year off until the masses disperse. If I didn't have friends that live in the area I would be joining my buddy hunting along the yellowstone border area and putting up with grizz. But at least he has been getting into elk daily.

LOL. True dat!...course its a zoo over here also
Interweb scouting before the application deadline, this has got to be some kind of record.
The part of the Custer in 705 is the forest around Ekalaka and Camp Crook. Those tracks of forest land are not very big and it is likely that elk leave for private very soon after the pressure starts. It could be however that everyone will be hunting in Ashland this year and you will have the Long Pines and the Ekalaka Hills all to yourself.

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